Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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For New Members (public access permitted)

Important For All Members and Prospective Visitors to Flotilla 092-06-04 Lorain
You must present yourself and announce your purpose at the Coast Guard Station gate. This must be done even if the gate is open. The Lorain Coast Guard Station is a secure facility and all personnel attempting to enter must be cleared for entry. Slipping in, while seemingly innocent, is a breech of U.S. security and allowing such is a dereliction of duty by those on watch (which may be USCGA personnel). Please don't do it. You might get us, or those we are trying to support, in trouble.


General Information

Background Check
A Homeland Security background check is required to join the USCGA. This process may take many months to complete. However, recent rule changes allow you to take part in many training activities prior to approval. In addition, you should be able to receive your Homeland Security EMPLID number relatively quickly. This will allow you to order uniforms and participate in some Coast Guard events.

You will need a complete set of fingerprints for the required background check. The Lorain County Sheriff's Office provides fingerprinting services to the public for a fee. For details click here or call 440-323-1212 for more information. Other authorities may also provide this service.

Employee Identification Card (Empl ID)
A post September 11 increase in scrutiny by security, as well as the continued growing interaction of Auxiliary personnel with the regular Coast Guard and other military branches, has led to a revision of the Auxiliary ID card. This upgrade is intended to increase the acceptance at security checkpoints as well as represent the Auxiliary members in the highest professional light. Wearing of the Auxiliary uniform for ID card photos is considered essential. Pictures must be taken with a red background.

The Coast Guard Exchange (CGX) is one of many support organizations within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and provides quality merchandise and services of necessity and convenience to the USCG and USCGA. Note, however, you must have a Homeland Security Employee ID card to use the exchange.


The uniforms of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary serve to distinguish Auxiliarists from members of other civilian auxiliaries and of other armed services. Auxiliarists are expected to wear a uniform intended for the situation and mission.

The Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) is the normal work uniform of the United States Coast Guard and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. You will need this uniform for any operational duty with the U.S. Coast Guard. This would include watch standing, patrols, etc. If you would like to participate with the USCG in their various activities, you will need this uniform.

The Tropical Blue Uniform is the most commonly used Auxiliary uniform. It is suitable for most occasions except those of a more formal nature or those involving "operations" where the ODU is most appropriate. A garrison or combination cap can be used with Tropical Blues.

Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, there is no single source available for Auxiliarists to procure the various uniforms. Here are some sources for ODU's and Tropical Blues (Note: For all of these, you will need your Homeland Security EMPLID number):

ODU ensemble:
From the USCG Uniform Distribution Center

  • ODU coat
  • ODU trouser
  • ODU tape AUX
  • Trouser blouser
  • ODU name tape (your last name)
  • Belt riggers w/buckle
  • Super boots
  • Boat shoes (Sperry Top-Sider – deck shoes)
  • Boot socks (just needs to be dark – like who is going to check your socks?)

From Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Inc.

  • Auxiliary Standard Ball Cap

Some useful videos about ODU's:


Get your ID sewn on:

  • Mischka Tailors Amherst, Ohio 440 988 4127


Tropical Blue ensemble:
From the USCG Uniform Distribution Center

  • AUX. buckle and belt
  • Garrison cap
  • Shirt lt/blue short/sleeve
  • Dress trousers
  • Shoes cordovan

From Coast Guard Auxiliary Association, Inc.

  • Plastic name tag (your last name)

You should explore the above sites for various Auxiliary specific accouterments.

Other sites pertaining to uniforms:

PDF Forms for Auxiliarists


Human Resources

 National Testing Center

FEMA Emergency Management Institute

USCG Learning Portal 

Crew & Coxswain

Sea Scouts

 Sea Scouts Training

USCG Ribbon Checker

 Ribbon Checker