Paddlecraft Info
"A Paddler's Guide to Safety"
Paddle sports like canoeing and kayaking are the fastest growing segment of recreational boating. Now, there is a course
available to address the unique needs of this audience.
Our partner, the American Canoe Association, offers extensive training in various paddle sports. Click the link

Vessel Safety Checks:
USCG Auxiliary
Flotilla 4-2 (Charlotte)
520 River Street
Rochester, NY 14612
If you have any questions about Paddle Sports safety or training, contact the following the lead Flotilla Paddle
Sports Instructor:
Sue Lander, FSO-PAD:
If Found - Contact:

Join Us!
Paddle Craft Links
Part of the satisfaction and fun of paddle sports is learning. The more you know, the better you get and the safer
you'll be. Here are just a few website that can help you learn more about paddle sports. If you have a particular
favorite, non-commercial site, let us know and we'll review it to possibly add it here.
Public Education Classes are offered nationwide by our various flotillas in two modalities, virtual, and
classroom. The paddlecraft course name is: "PADDLER'S GUIDE to SAFETY". Just follow
follow the directions to find out if there any classes in your area. If not, contact the person above. To
get to the Class Finder,
The United States Coast Guard has partnered with to produce these short
videos that illustrate proper gear, equipment, strokes, trip planning, recovering from a capsize and how to call for help.
To view these videos,
Paddlesport participation has grown dramatically in recent years. Low entry cost, easy storage, less maintenance and flexibility are
some of the reasons many people have decided to become paddlers, compared to power or sailing craft,
Paddlers should be aware of a few “Rules of the Road” when sharing resources with other marine traffic. Importantly,
keep a proper lookout, and remember to be courteous to other boaters and law enforcement officers. They’re there to
help you to be safe and have fun. To download a copy of this brochure,
You may not be planning for a swim, but you should always be aware of the water temperature and dress for immersion
when you go paddling. To gain some knowledge about Cold Water Safety,
Paddlers should be aware of making sure that they have all necessary equipment to be safe
when ventureing out on a paddling venture, be it a paddle around a pond or a paddle for several
miles. To download a copy of this brochure,
Paddle Craft Documents
The primary mission of the AUXPAD program is to increase boating safety outreach, promote life jacket
wear, and promote compliance with Coast Guard-required safety equipment within the paddle craft
community. To download a copy of this document,