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Paddlecraft Safety

New Paddlecraft Videos

All three videos below are suitable for the public and Coast Guard Auxiliary Members.  The third video is geared toward the vessel examiner of a StandUp Paddleboard, but certainly provides useful information for an owner to inspect their own Paddleboard.

Lifejacket choices: Comparison of 5 Personal Flotation Devices

Inflatable Lifejackets: How to Wear and a Few Cautions

Vessel Safety Check of StandUp Paddleboard: What to Look for to Prevent Problems


Float Plans Save Lives

Do you know what a float plan is?  What happens if you get lost, injured or otherwise need help while on the water?  If you create a float plan and leave it with a friend or family member, they or emergency responders will know where to begin looking for you if you don't return on schedule.  You can find out more at: Float Plan Central 


reflective decals for kayak paddles

Ro Woodard, Education Specialist with the NYS Deptment of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, developed the "Safe 'n Sight" decals shown (lower left) for paddles.  One hazard for kayakers is not being seen by motor boaters. These "Safe 'n Sight" reflective decals are designed to help. Kayakers can also help themselves by wearing brightly colored clothing & life jackets, and adding the orange reflective "if found" information stickers (available from the Coast Guard Auxiliary, NYS Parks and American Canoe Association) to your kayak.  If you hava a dark colored kayak, you might also consider marking it with orange or another bright colored duct tape.

Kayak Safety Demonstration

American Canoe Association (ACA)-certified instructor Jennifer Miller giving kayak safety tips during Allan H. Treman Park's July 9, 2016 Marine Safety Day, co-sponsored by the Coast Guard Auxiliary.

 Kayak Safety tips

Gene Little leading an optional kayak safety discussion following a Flotilla 2-2 taught "About Boating Safely" class.