Member Training
Interested in AUXOP program?
During 2025, the Brewerton Flotilla would like to offer our support to any members seeking to complete this program. We will be sharing any upcoming training sessions, information about updates to the program, opportunities to connect with other members pursuing the AX qualification, and more.
Interested Auxiliarists should email Training Officer Pamela Wik-Grimm ([email protected]) for more information.
Division 2 is hosting a series of operational online training sessions, led by Training Officer Pamela Wik-Grimm and Operations Officer Mark Lewis.
The sessions are conducted via Google Meet.
Members may sign up by contacting their flotilla commander or reaching out to SO-MT Pamela Wik-Grimm ([email protected]).
1. New Coxswain Orientation
Saturday, Feb 8, 2025, 8:30 am - 11:30 am (EST)
2. Sodus Bay Operations Debrief
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2025, 7pm - 8:30 pm
Quick overview of operations at CG Station Sodus Point
Review of 2024 boating season SAR operations
Training overview for crew
3. Boat Crew Task Training
Saturday, April 5, 12, 19 - 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Curriculum to be updated with any new regulations etc. as well as material relating to Sodus Bay operations
Audience: All Division 2 crew members looking to be operational in 2025.
Invitation being sent to all District MTs for potential crew members in other Divisions who would like to participate in the training in preparation for qualifying through their own flotillas or with assistance from Brewerton Flotilla 2-14. All current boat crew members are encouraged to participate as a refresher.
Division 2 and Its flotillas hold periodic operational training sessions -- virtual and in-person. Check back for updates.