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Ninth District Eastern Region Diversity Statement

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 Vision: For Ninth District Eastern Region, to leverage a diverse and inclusive membership that would allow mission readiness to flourish. This means building a culture of inclusion and acceptance by attracting, developing and retaining the best and the brightest from all walks of life and backgrounds.

Our Mission is:

• To build and encourage a diverse and inclusive membership.
• To encourage leadership that recognizes the value of diversity.
• To foster a respect for all shipmates that includes listening to different viewpoints and ideas.

By Allen J. Knish, immediate past diversity officer, 9ER

The District Commodore and the Ninth Eastern Region leadership endorse an inclusive environment in which diverse skills, perspectives and backgrounds are valued. Our members are unique and valuable because of their differences, which include (but are not limited to) culture ethnicity, race, nationality, gender, age, abilities, disabilities, religious beliefs, education, experience, military status, sexual orientation, marital status and family matters.

Allen KnishAllen J. Knish
Immediate past district diversity officer
Although the concept of diversity highlights our differences as individuals, the true value of diversity is that such differences can create a whole that is more than the sum of its components. In other words, diversity means accepting, welcoming and valuing the differences inherent in every individual and recognizing the contribution that a diverse membership makes to our organizational effectiveness and operational performance.

The Ninth Eastern Region leadership envisions a culture that encourages every member to contribute fully to the success of his/her Flotilla, Division, District and the USCG Auxiliary while achieving maximum personal fulfillment. The contributions of all members, regardless of our differences, must be recognized, tapped and appreciated. Such a culture will foster positive working relationships, allowing members to succeed to the best of their abilities, and resulting in a stronger organization. Put simply, but perhaps most clearly, diversity is a matter of respect for the other members with whom we spend our volunteer time.

Our vision of diversity includes the Commandant's and the National Commodore's Policy on Diversity, and involves all of our members following the Coast Guard Core Values of HONOR, RESPECT, AND DEVOTION TO DUTY.


This is diversity on a personal note -- be proud of who you are, where you are from, what you do, who you are with,


This is how you interact with people around you.
Do you communicate respect for others?
Do you treat others the way you want to be treated?
Do you encourage and motivate them?

The key to being successful in diversity correlates to the leadership principles based on “working with others.”

Devotion to duty:

How do you support the organization as a whole?

Are you committed to the USCG Auxiliary and the accomplishment of its mission this correlates to leadership principle of performance?

Serving diversity even when you don't think about it.

The Coast Guard Core Values, diversity and leadership principles are all interwoven within our organization. One cannot be successful without the other.

As a part of our diversity and inclusion policy, we will not just depend on a single leader but on a multitude of leaders...because it will be woven into the fabric of how 9ER conducts business. In addition, our leaders understand that being competitive and giving optimal performance require the full utilization of the skills and talents of every member and potential member.

“Success will only be achieved through inspired people operating in an environment based on diversity and inclusion.”

A key element to ensuring the success of 9ER in initiatives, especially diversity and inclusion, is accountability. Accountability is achieved by making sure that appropriate leaders are responsible and ensuring that “everyone is on board” and actively engaged in the diversity process.

We will begin to measure diversity and inclusion representation by function at all levels to: (1) ensure a balanced membership, and (2) strengthen 9ER’s ability to attract, retain, and develop the most highly qualified members. Specific measures included in the plan are positive training for all members, positive articles in publications, sustaining the reputation as a volunteer organization of choice, improved representation of diversity at all levels, effective remedial action when necessary and appropriate, awards, and other forms of recognition.