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Award for Diversity Excellence

Checklist for the NACO (National Commodore) Three Star Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion

Purpose: The NACO (National Commodore) Three Star Award for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion is an annual, voluntary (non-mandated) award intended to recognize Divisions and Flotillas for distinction in promoting and valuing diversity, inclusion, and equity.

  • All units applying for this award must complete a minimum of four objectives in each of the first four goal categories.
  • Goal Five is optional and for distinction among units. However, it may be a precursor to future awards, so we highly recommend completing it.
  • Please do not submit for the award if less than four objectives are completed per goal.
  • his award application needs to be typed, and will not be accepted after the annually established deadline for submissions (June 30).
  • We strongly encourage early submissions to enable your unit time to address any needed corrections.
  • Please answer all yellow highlighted areas of the form and elaborate when necessary. The award form is available on the Diveristy Directorate webpage.

 Diversity Award Checklist as Word doc
 Diveristy Award Checklist as PDF