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Culinary Assistance (AUXCA)


What does the fully qualified AUXCA do?

  • Provide culinary assistance to  Active Duty at a small boat station (like Station Saginaw River)
  • Work with Active Duty Culinary Service Workers (CS) at larger CG Dining Facilities
  • Provide Food Service assistance for Auxiliary events
  • Cover special VIP events for Active Duty and/or Auxiliary
  • Serve in the galley of a cutter.
What's required to become AUXCA qualified?
  • A desire to serve
  • A desire and capacity to learn new skills 
  • A passion for following procedure regarding food safety and sanitation
  • The time to be involved at least a minimal amount (12 hours a year)
  • NOTE - Cooking experience is NOT required

What's the process of becoming AUXCA qualified? 

  • Complete an 18 hour AUXCA class - offered from time to time around the District and online.
  • Take the Introduction to Risk Management Class available on the Auxiliary Learning web site.
  • Be current with the Mandated Training Courses (MANTR)
  • Complete an annual on-line sanitation course
  • Have a routine medical screening by a CG Medial Officer or a Private Physician
  • Have a Hepatitis A shot series (2 shots, 6 months apart)
  • Completion of the AUXCA PQS (Performance Qualification Standard)

John Rose Fixing an OmeletAUXCA John Rose of the Plymouth-Canton Flotilla fixes an omelet while on duty at USCG Station Saginaw River.  AUXCA1 members like John often fill in while active duty CS (Culinary Specialist) are away on leave or other duties.









USCG Auxiliary Photo by Garrison Bromwell


What about other costs and issues?

  • Uniforms - AUXCAs normally wear ODUs with member devices while working in a CG Dining Facility   VIP events and some larger facilities may require chef whites
  • .Personal travel costs - AUXCA members may be funded for travel.  However berthing is often available at stations and meal will be provided while working

What are the rewards? 

  • Knowing that you have provided a good, wholesome, well prepared meal to Active Duty members, your fellow Auxiliarists, or even members of the general public is the primary reward. 

Digging for chowHere's the reward.  Crew members at Station Saginaw River are digging into a meal prepared by AUXCA trainees at our recent training session.  



 US Coast Guard Auxiliary Photo by DSO-CA Diane Campbell


Contact your SO-CA (via AUXDIRECTORY) and let her or him know you are willing to serve.  You can check for upcoming AUXCA virtual training classes by clicking on this link