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Help Video - Job Aide


Unfortunately, as an example of “what not to do” the AUXCOM course references a cell phone video of Lake Erie boaters from our area. Caught out in a storm, the boaters are unable to use their VHF radio to talk to the Coast Guard. As waves pound the boat, the recreational boaters seem unfamiliar with the basic controls on the radio and with radio procedure. 

Discussing VHF radio operation and procedure during PE, VSC, and PA activities can help prevent this kind of situation. This quick activity will help reinforce basic radio procedure and provide material for discussion. 


  • The Coast Guard distributes a pamphlet and sticker to help boaters with VHF radio operation and distress call procedure. Distribute VHF distress stickers to every member during a flotilla meeting then listen to the following actual distress calls and critique them. After the first call, turn over the sticker and do the critique from memory to make the activity harder.



  • Consider distributing item 3020 DECAL - VHF - EMERGENCY RADIO CALL PROCEDURES and item 3009 PAMPHLET, YOUR VHF-DSC MARINE RADIO from the ANSC during your flotilla's PE, VSC, and PA activities.

Updated 2023-Feb-10 by Christian Sandvig, SO-CM