From the DCDR Desk
As I begin this New Year in a new leadership role, I am reminded that there are a lot of new due dates and reports required that I have not had to meet previously.
FC Weekly Activity
Reports - Many of you have already been completing these reports this past year, so it is not new to
you. The flotilla commanders must report weekly, activities for their
flotilla. There is a standard report format, so you will only need to
provide verbiage of any activities that apply. I, in turn must compile
these activities into a division report that is sent to Mr. Starr, D-Capt
S. I realize that this can become annoying and inconvenient at times but Mr.
Starr is required to report to the Commodore weekly. This is an opportunity
to promote the people and successes in your flotilla and in the Division.
If we have anything noteworthy, we should want to promote that
activity or member to the folks at District. It is an opportunity to let
everyone else know what we are doing in Oklahoma. My report is due to the
D-Capt S by 1800 Sunday evening each week. Please submit your report to
me no later than 2200 Friday evening. You can send this before you start
your weekend activities and that will allow me time to combine the flotilla
reports into a division report by Saturday evening.
produce the Monthly Report. Only action needed on your part would be
inclusion of anything that had happened that was not included in your Weekly
Meeting Reports – Both Flotilla Commanders and Division Staff Officers must provide a report to be
given at the Quarterly Division Meetings. The dates of the Division
meetings for 2012 are 1/21, 4/21, 7/21 and 10/6. Please prepare your
report and bring 20 copies to the meeting. If you cannot attend please
send a copy to me to present at the meeting. You should provide a report
whether or not you can attend the meeting.
Division Newsletter – I know, more reports. But you can use the information in your weekly reports to write an article for the
Division Newsletter. Cut and Paste. I believe the newsletter will
be produced quarterly, so hopefully this won’t cause any more effort to write
an article and send to the SO-PB to be included in the newsletter. All
Divisions are required to produce a Newsletter to send to their District
counterpart. These newsletters are sent to the National Archives for
storage and historical purposes. Tracy DeLaughter, as SO-PB, cannot be
expected to produce a newsletter with NO input from leadership and staff
officers. Also, I see lots of people taking pictures at events, and
appropriate pictures should be included with your article. Please,
please, please, help the Division out by contributing to the Division
newsletter. This is another opportunity to wave the flag and toot our
horn for the accomplishments of our members and promote our activities.
We need to let the District and beyond know how great we are and what we are doing!
Something we all need to look at is the Division and Flotilla Standing Rules. I am attaching a copy of
the recent memo from the Chief Director’s Office CHDIRAUX-L FLOTILLA STANDING
RULES -29/11. Please review your flotilla Standing Rules to see if they
need to be amended.
Please be sure your membership is aware of the DART Training being offered by Sector Lower and the requirements to participate.
I can’t complete my responsibilities without your input, I need your help. Please let me know
what I can do to help you out. What kind of training do you anticipate
needing? Do I need to attend any of your flotilla meetings, do you have
all the materials and supplies you need?? This Division can be the most
successful through teamwork.