Division 1 Awards Criteria
Any Flotilla winning this award for three consecutive years shall be entitled to keep the award trophy permanently. FLOTILLA OF THE YEAR AWARD
Award Criteria:
This award has 10 items. This award is that of individual Flotilla member accomplishments as reported for the Flotilla and in AUXDATA. The total points for each Flotilla will then be divided by the total number of Flotilla members as of January 1st of the award year.
No less than 75% of the Division One meetings will have Flotilla Leadership representation by the Flotilla Commander (FC), Flotilla Vice Commander (VFC), and/or the Immediate Past Flotilla Commander (IPFC). No more than 25% of a Flotilla’s total points can come from any one item listed below.
1. Five (5) points for each new member accepted by the Director and sworn in as a member of the Auxiliary during the award year.
2. One (1) point for each approved Public Education (PE) hour recorded as Instructor or Instructor Aide, Categories 14A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H.
3. One (1) point for each Operational Patrol hour performed as Coxswain or Crew Categories 01A, 02, 03, 07C, 22A, 24, 26, 28G, 55A, 70B.
4. One (1) point for each Member Training (MT) hour completed and recorded in Category 06A, 06B, 22B.
5. Five (5) points for each Specialty Course successfully completed.
6. One (1) point for each Public Appearance (PA) hour recorded in Categories 10B, 10C, 10D, 10F, 10K.
7. One (1) point for each VSC conducted.
8. One (1) point for each hour of AIM / REC reported in Categories 09, 90A, 90C. United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Division One 8th Western Rivers District 2 of 10
9. One (1) point for each hour of Marine Safety reported in categories 28A, B, G and 70B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, M, N, R, T, U, V and 80A, B, C, D, E, F, & G.
10. One (1) point for each Marine Dealer Visit reported on Form 7046.
The award is based on Operational activities of Flotilla members as reported and recorded in AUXDATA. Award Criteria:
This award has 6 items. This award is that of individual Flotilla member accomplishments as reported for the Flotilla and in AUXDATA. The total points for each Flotilla will then be divided by the total number of Flotilla members as of January 1 sty of the award year.
1. Seven (7) points for each member who qualifies or re - qualifies as a Coxswain during the award year.
2. Two (2) points for each member who qualifies or re - qualifies as a Crew Member during the award year.
3. Two (2) points for each hour of participation as Coxswain in an ordered Regatta or Safety Patrol or Operation Support mission recorded in Categories 01A, 02, 03, 07C, 22A, 24, 26, 28G, 55A, 70B.
4. One (1) point for each Crew Member participating in an ordered Regatta or Safety Patrol or Operation Support mission recorded in Categories 01A, 02, 03, 07C, 22A, 24, 26, 28G, 55A, 70B.
5. Three (3) points for each SAR assistance report completed and accepted by AUXDATA in Category 24.
6. Seven (7) points for a member who receives the Trident Device in the award year
Award Criteria:
The Awards Committee will tabulate the Member Training hours. Hours are retrieved from workshop reports, flotilla minutes, forms 7030, 7038, & 7039 which show a checkmark for "trainee", and other reports that are MT 06B OTHER. The total points for each Flotilla will then be divided by the total number of Flotilla members as of January 1st of the award year.
This award may be presented each year to the outstanding members who qualify in accordance with the criteria detailed herein and approved by the Division Board. These awards do not have to be awarded and such determination is to be at the discretion of the Awards Committee with the consent of the Division Commander.
The person or persons selected for these awards must have completed the Mandated Training prior to 30 June of the award year and remain a member through 31 December of the same year. Disenrollment or resignation disqualifies any person(s). Retirement will not disqualify any person.
A member should not be permitted to win more than one award for any single year. The award criteria will be extracted from the year - end AUXDATA report. The Awards Committee shall determine the winner(s), if any, by February 1 of the year following the award year.
All hours from ANSC 7046 PV’s, ANSC 7038 VSC’s, and ANSC 7030 Activities will be counted. Provided that the score must include two (2) or more of the following areas, and no single score may comprise more than 40% of the total.
Category 01A – Maritime Observation Mission
Category 02 – Regatta/Safety Zone Support
Category 03 – Navigation Systems Patrol
Category 06 – Operational Training and Other Member Training
Category 09 – Academy Introduction Mission (AIM)
Categories 07A, 07B, 07C, 07D – Coast Guard Operational Support
Category 11 – RBS Program Visitor
Category 14 - Public Education Including State/Youth
Category 20B – Radio Watchstander/Net
Category 22A – Operations Training (Qualifications)
Category 24 – Search and Rescue Prosecution
Category 26 – Coast Guard Crew Augmentation
Category 28A – Command Post Support
Category 28G – Initial Pollution Response
Category 54A – Logistics Mission
Category 55A – Air/Vessel Intercept
Category 70 – Marine Safety and Environmental Protection
Category 80 – Commercial Vessels
Category 90 – Coast Guard Partners, Active Duty Recruiting, and Auxiliary Recruiting
Category 91- Vessel Examinations
This award may be presented each year to the outstanding members who qualify in accordance with the criteria detailed herein and approved by the Division Board. These awards do not have to be awarded and such determination is to be at the discretion of the Awards Committee with the consent of the Division Commander.
The person or persons selected for these awards must have completed the Mandated Training prior to 30 June of the award year and remain a member through 31 December of the same year. Disenrollment or resignation disqualifies any person(s). Retirement will not disqualify any person.
A member should not be permitted to win more than one award for any single year. The award criteria will be extracted from the year - end AUXDATA report. The Awards Committee shall determine the winner(s), if any, by February 1 of the year following the award year.
The greatest total point accumulation in Operational hours.
These areas consist of Categories:
Category 01A – Maritime Observation Mission
Category 02 – Regatta/Safety Zone Support
Category 03 – Navigation Systems Patrol
Categories 07A, 07B, 07C, 07D – Coast Guard Operational Support
Category 20B – Radio Watchstander/Net
Category 22A – Operations Training (Qualifications)
Category 24 – Search and Rescue Prosecution
Category 26 – Coast Guard Crew Augmentation
Category 28A – Command Post Support
Category 28G – Initial Pollution Response
Category 54A – Logistics Mission
Category 55A – Air/Vessel Intercept
Category 70B – Marine Environmental Response/Detection
This award may be presented each year to the outstanding members who qualify in accordance with the criteria detailed herein and approved by the Division Board. These awards do not have to be awarded and such determination is to be at the discretion of the Awards Committee with the consent of the Division Commander.
The person or persons selected for these awards must have completed the Mandated Training prior to 30 June of the award year and remain a member through 31 December of the same year. Disenrollment or resignation disqualifies any person(s). Retirement will not disqualify any person.
A member should not be permitted to win more than one award for any single year. The award criteria will be extracted from the year - end AUXDATA report. The Awards Committee shall determine the winner(s), if any, by February 1 of the year following the award year.
The greatest total point accumulation in Member Training and Public Education hours providing that the lower point score is 20% or more of the higher total including:
Category 06 – Operational Training and Other Member Training
Category 09 – Academy Introduction Mission (AIM)
Category 10 – Public Affairs Missions
Category 14 – Public Education Including State/Youth
Category 22B – Operations Training
Category 90 – Coast Guard Partners, Active Duty Recruiting, and Auxiliary Recruiting
This award may be presented once in a career to outstanding members who qualify in accordance with the criteria detailed herein and approved by the Division Board. These awards do not have to be awarded and such determination is to be at the discretion of the Awards Committee with the consent of the Division Commander.
The person or persons selected for these awards must have completed the Mandated Training and remain a member through 31 December of the same year. Disenrollment or resignation disqualifies any person(s). Retirement will not disqualify any person.
A member should not be permitted to win more than one Career Development Award during his/her Auxiliary career. The award criteria will be extracted from the year - end AUXDATA report. The Awards Committee shall determine the winner(s), if any, by February 1 of the year following the award year.
This award has 21 items. This award is that of an individual Flotilla Member’s Initial accomplishments as reported in AUXDATA.
1. One (1) point for all Courses passed as are listed in AUXDATA.
2. Seven (7) points for Initial qualification of AUXOP.
3. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Public Affairs Specialist III
4. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Public Affairs Specialist II
5. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Public Affairs Specialist I
6. Three (3) points for Initial qualification of AUXAPC.
7. Three (3) points for Initial qualification of Fingerprint Technician / Citizenship Verifier
8. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Food Services Specialist
9. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Vessel Examiner (VE).
10. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Telecommunications Operator (TCO)
11. Four (4) points for Initial qualification as Auxiliary Marine Environmental Education Specialist (AUXMEES)
12. Six (6) points for Initial qualification of Instructor (IT).
13. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Program Visitor (PV).
14. Four (4) points for Initial passing of Navrules.
15. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Air Crew Person (APC).
16. Six (6) points for Initial qualification of Crew.
17. Six (6) points for qualification as a Personal Watercraft Operator.
18. Seven (7) points for Initial qualification of Coxswain.
19. Nine (7) points for Initial qualification as Qualified Examiner (QE)
20. Seven (7) points for Initial qualification of attaining the Trident Device
21. Two (2) points for all Re - qualifications.
This award may be presented once in a career to outstanding new members who qualify in accordance with the criteria detailed herein and approved by the Division Board. These awards do not have to be awarded and such determination is to be at the discretion of the Awards Committee with the consent of the Division Commander.
The person or persons selected for these awards must have completed the Mandated Training prior to 30 June of the award year and remain a member through 31 December of the same year. Disenrollment or resignation disqualifies any person(s).
A member should not be permitted to win more than one Outstanding New Member Award during his/her Auxiliary career. The award criteria will be extracted from the year - end AUXDATA report. The Awards Committee shall determine the winner(s), if any, by February 1 of the year following the award year.
This award has 18 items. This award is that of a new member’s accomplishments as reported in AUXDATA.
1. One (1) point for all Courses passed as are listed in AUXDATA.
2. Seven (7) points for Initial qualification of AUXOP.
3. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Public Affairs Specialist III
4. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Public Affairs Specialist II
5. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Public Affairs Specialist I
6. Three (3) points for Initial qualification of AUXAPC.
7. Three (3) points for Initial qualification of Fingerprint Technician / Citizenship Verifier
8. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Food Services Specialist
9. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Vessel Examiner (VE).
10. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Telecommunications Operator (TCO)
11. Four (4) points for Initial qualification as Auxiliary Marine Environmental Education Specialist (AUXMEES)
12. Six (6) points for Initial qualification of Instructor (IT).
13. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Program Visitor (PV).
14. Four (4) points for Initial passing of Navrules.
15. Four (4) points for Initial qualification of Air Crew Person (APC).
16. Six (6) points for Initial qualification of Crew.
17. Six (6) points for qualification as a Personal Watercraft Operator.
18. Seven (7) points for Initial qualification of Coxswain.
The criteria to receive the “Distinguished Flotilla of the Year” award is as follows:
1. No less than 75% of the Division One meetings will have Flotilla Leadership representation by the Flotilla Commander (FC), Flotilla Vice Commander (VFC), and/or the Immediate Past Flotilla Commander (IPFC).
2. All activity must be completed during the calendar year and recorded in AUXDATA to be considered.
3. Expend a minimum average of one hour per member on Public Affairs activities.
4. Expend a minimum average of one hour per member on Marine Safety/Environmental Protection activities.
5. Publish and disseminate at least quarterly, a flotilla newsletter with articles and photographs of interest to the membership. Submit electronic versions of the newsletters to the SO-PB for possible inclusion in Auxiliary National, 8th WR District, or Division One publications.
6. Update the Flotilla web page quarterly to reflect current Flotilla activities, list of officers, dates of meetings, and schedule of Public Education course offering(s).
7. Complete a minimum of ten Marine Dealer visits per qualified RBS Program Visitor.
8. Enroll one new member. This does not include transfers from other Flotillas.
9. Teach at least one Public Education course.
10. Conduct monthly Flotilla meetings.
11. Complete the annual Finance Report.
12. Complete a minimum of 10 hours of member training per Flotilla.
13. Complete a minimum of 10 vessel exams per qualified Vessel Examiner as of January 1st of the award year.
14. Complete a minimum of 20 hours of operations activity per qualified Boat Crew / Personal Watercraft / Coxswain / Aircrew member.
15. Submit Flotilla meeting minutes monthly to DIRAUX, SO - IS and DCDR.
16. Submit the annual Flotilla elected and staff officer report.