Prospective Member Info
Thank you for your interest in joining the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Attached at the bottom of the page, please find:
1. The current 16 page USCG AUX Application. Must fill out. Then we meet to go over it.
2. The AUX Manual which has almost all basic information in it you will need. Look it over.
3. An ID request form… that I will assist you in preparing once I get some info verified. Must fill out. Curt will do your picture for the ID card.
4. And a new member guide… that is a quick reference for you. Look over please as this will help you with the on-line test.
5. A U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Association membership acknowledgement form (dues are included in your CG AUX membership). Must fill out.
In addition to the application and the ID request form, I will need copies of any and all completion certificates for an Ohio Boating license/ trainer certification and any ICS or FEMA courses you have taken including 100, 200, 700 and 800. Must provide if you have.
I will need a copy of your birth certificate, or copy of any current US Passport. Must provide (birth certificate is preferred).
You will then need to get two CG AUX fingerprint cards for your background check… You will need to get them filled out and fingerprinted for your background check. Must complete.
There is also a test you will have to take on line for new members… and at the end, print off your passing score certificate. It must be included in your packet. Must complete.
The "new member test" site & materials is below. The link will help, and just sign in as a guest. Good luck and start at the National Auxiliary home page.
From the AUX home page:
Under Directorates go to Human Resource
Scroll about 2/3 of the way on the page and it will say 'new member exam', 'training presentation' and 'resource toolkit'.
Click on the link under new member exam.
Then third paragraph click on highlighted 'here'
and the below page should appear:
Required PDFs