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Division Commander's Page

Division Commander (DCDR)

 Victor Rogers



Victor Joined the Auxiliary in August of 2018 were joined from The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps where he served as a Cadet for 7 year and Adult Officer for 14 years. He earned the Rank of Chief Petty Officer (E7) as a Cadet in 2007, and as an Officer he earned the Rank of Lieutenant (O3). Victor is from a small Suburb of Pittsburgh PA, where he was born and raised. They call it the MonVally in which was Known for it Steel Mills back in the Day.

Since Victor joined Auxiliary, he has held may positions and Qualifications in the Auxiliary here are some not to mention them all; Positions: Auxiliary Unit Coordinators for Marine Safety Unit (MSU) Pittsburgh, National Staff Support Specialist for AuxA, Vice Division Commander (VDCR), Flotilla Commander (FC), Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC), Staff Officer (varies different rolls), Flotilla Officer (varies different rolls). Qualifications: Operational Auxiliarist (AUXOP), Boat Crew Crewmember, Fingerprint Technician, Instructor, Recreation Boating Safety Visitor, Telecommunications Operator, Vessel Examiner, Lead I, Certified CPR Provider. Award: CG MERITORIOUS TEAM COMMENDATION (with Operations “O”), SPECIAL OPERATIONS SERVICE RIBBON, SUSTAINED AUXILIARY SERVICE AWARD (6), DHS OUTSTANDING UNIT AWARD, AUXILIARY VE/MDV SERVICE AWARD, CG UNIT COMMENDATION, AUXILIARY RBS INSIGNIA DEVICES, AUXOP PIN.

Division Vice Commander (VDCR)



Wes Notovitz
