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Join the Coast Guard Auxiliary

Are you interested in joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary? We actively seek new members on a constant basis, and would love to have you!

To join the Coast Guard Auxiliary, you must be at least 17 years of age, and have no felony or major misdemeanor convictions. A background check with fingerprints will be performed as part of the application process.

You do not have to be a boat owner to join the Auxiliary! While our underway operations take place aboard member-owned vessels, we do not mandate boat ownership as a condition of membership.

Auxiliarists enjoy a number of privileges, including Coast Guard Exchange shopping privileges (except for alcohol or cigarettes), wearing of the Coast Guard uniform with Auxiliary-specific modifications, and insurance coverage while operating under official orders from the Coast Guard. Members also enjoy fantastic training opportunities, and can be qualified as a :

  • Boat crew member

  • Coxswain (Boat operator)

  • Personal Watercraft (Jet Ski) Operator

  • Telecommunications (Radio) Operator

  • Vessel Examiner

  • Program Visitor

  • Public Affairs specialist

  • And many more, including aviation-related qualifications!

Additionally, Auxiliarists enjoy fellowship with other Auxiliary members. Whether it's a meeting, a Change of Watch, or just a get-together, Auxiliarists have a great opportunity to develop contacts and friendships with fellow Auxiliarists around the nation!

If you would like more information on how to join the Coast Guard Auxiliary, you can head to our recruiting website at this link, join us at one of our monthly meetings, or contact our division human resources officer at the e-mail address located in the "Who We Are" tab. We'd love to have you!