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Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter

Compass Rose 


Flotilla 07-04, San Antonio, Texas
Division 7, 8th Coastal Region

The Civilian Component of the U.S. Coast Guard
(Authorized by Congress in 1939)

Dear Applicant:

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. We are an all-volunteer uniformed service that assists the regular and reserve members of the US Coast Guard in carrying out most of their missions. You can find auxiliary members performing a variety of missions, on the water (boating safety patrols, classes, and vessel checks), in the air (primarily assisting with search and rescue and environmental patrols) or responding in the case of natural disasters, i.e., Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Ian in the air, on the water or in Incident Command Centers.

Flotilla 7-4 has been in existence for 55+ years. Since we do not have any large bodies of water in San Antonio, we perform our boating missions usually up in the Canyon Lake or down in the Corpus Christi areas. For our air operations we primarily work out of Corpus Christi and Houston-Galveston. Our incident command work can literally be anywhere – locally, throughout the state or throughout the country. We meet monthly, on the second Saturday of the month from 10:30 am - Noon at:  

Blue Skies of Texas - 5100 John D. Ryan Blvd
or via ZOOM for electronic/hybrid meetings.

Candidates must complete an application to join, go through a CG background/security, take 14 online courses, pass a New Member exam, take an approved Boating Safety class (online [Texas State Parks and Wildlife] or in-person), have a photo (in uniform) taken for ID card purposes and pay annual dues (Currently $80).

Please do not feel overwhelmed by everything that is attached here. Fill out what you can, and we will work with you on the rest. If you decide to pursue membership, please start working on the FEMA ICS courses that are suggested of all new members (ICS 100, 200, 210, 700 & 800) and required for staff or operational positions. In addition, since our flotilla interacts with local Sea Scout Ships (Boy Scouts of America [BSA] Co-ed program for youth 14-21) all our members must take the Youth Protection Program from BSA online course, as well. They, along with the boating safety course can be done without your CGAux membership number while you are waiting for it to be assigned.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me directly at: Cell #: 732-983-1284 or by email at: [email protected]

JeanneMarie C. McNamara, FSO-HR, Flotilla Human Resources Staff Officer