Hurricane Preparedness
Thu, 02 Jan 25 Posted by: Thornton Dyson
Dan Turner (Flotilla Commander 20011-2012) sent out some good advice that I am keeping here till I have some thing better.
good advice from past Flotilla Commander
Posted by: Ted Dyson
Auxiliary Rules or common sense.
1. Family first
a. Prepare for the season be ready and care for your family.
b. You cannot help if your family is not safe.
c. Create a family plan of action.
d. Stock up on Hurricane rations per the attached and or published preparation plans.
e. Know your evacuation route based on the storm direction.
2. Please contact you FC or VFC and post us on your plan.
a. We will have to locate you if we do not know where you are, staying or evacuating.
b. Before and if possible after the storm.
i. After the storm, communication may not be simple.
ii. Sometimes text messaging still works while everything else is down.
iii. An email before the storm may be the best record that we can refer since the mail servers are not located in Houston.
1. Include the best way to contact you (this would be good in the planning phase)
3. Form a buddy system so someone knows where you are in the event that we cannot communicate.
4. After the storm,
a. We are of no use during the storm so be safe and come back only if all is well at your location and with your family.
i. If we are needed, we will be contacted to put together resources for where we can be of service.
ii. Being called to help will be based on your current completed qualifications.
1. And if we can reach you.
Good reference sites.
Family Disaster plan
Disaster Supply Kit
Secure your home
Have a place to go
Stay Aware
Don’t forget the family Pet,
Be Aware, Be Educated, Be Safe.
Dan Turner
Flotilla 612 - Immediate Past Flotilla Commander
D8CR Division 06
Guardians of the Gulf