The Coast Guard stations within our Division are seeking Auxiliary members to hold Watchstanding positions. A Watchstander must first have completed the AUXCOM Course and Telecommunications Officer (TCO) Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS). AUXCOM courses are held periodically throughout the year. Coordinate with your Flotilla staff officer for member training (FSO-MT) to learn when the next course will be held. After receiving your AUXCOM qualification complete your TCO qualification. TCO is not a classroom course. You will have to study this, with a mentor if needed, and complete the PQS.
If at this time you would like to qualify as Watchstander you can contact Tim Woodard or John Deming at ([email protected]) ([email protected]). John Deming can train watchstanders and help complete the TCO PQS at Coast Guard Station Houston. Watchstander duties are to stand watches which include answering telephones, keeping watch over the station via cameras, checking everyone’s ID that wishes to enter the station through the gate, making any pipes over the intercom that is necessary, and standing radio watches on the channels appropriate to that station. This includes taking guard for any small boats which might be on patrol from the station and being responsible for maintaining the station log while the boats are on a mission. Considering the time required for training, members should consider being available to a station at least a few days each month.
Tim Woodard
Flotilla 03 FSO-CM