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Division 6 Bridge - Biographies

DCDR Robert Schwartz 

IPDCDR Robert Schwartz

Immediate Past Division Commander

Coast Guard Auxiliarist Robert Schwartz is a multi-term Flotilla Commander and trainer from Flotilla 6-1 with over twenty- four years of United States Coast Guard Auxiliary experience. Besides his duties as Division Commander Schwartz also serves as the Flotilla Staff Officer for Human Resources (FSO-HR), Navigation Systems (FSO-NV), and Operations (FSO- OP).

Commander Schwartz’s qualifications include Instructor, Coxswain, with Helo Operations qualification, Aids to Navigation Verifier, and Auxiliary Recreational Boating Vessel Examiner.

He is also authorized to wear the Operational Auxiliarist Device (AUXOP).

DCDR Schwartz also just passed the extensive AUX 10 C School exam for IS officers. He is the FSO-IS for his flotilla.

DCDR Schwartz has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from University of Houston and a Doctorate of Jurisprudence (JD) from Bates College of Law. He lives in the Southwest area of Houston, Texas, and is married to Andrea L. Schwartz.

Commander Schwartz’s motto is PLAN—EXECUTE—REPORT.