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Public Education

Boating Safety Course

About Boating Safely (ABS) is a seven-hour course designed to appeal to hunters, anglers, personal watercraft operators and other boaters who can not find time for a full, comprehensive course. About Boating Safely was developed by the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA). It is also approved by most of the states which require formal instruction in order to operate a boat. Boating Safety Course

Boating Skills and Seamanship

The U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's Boating Skills and Seamanship (BS&S) course is a comprehensive course designed for both the experienced and the novice boater. The course consists of 6 required two-hour lessons plus elective modules, providing up-to-date knowledge for handling boats in all conditions. Boating Skills and Seamanship