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Vessel Safety Checks and Life Jacket Loaner Program TV Coverage


Passenger Vessel FAQ's Brochure



Tips for a Safe Day on the Water Brochure



Boating Safety Education Classes (Get your Florida Boating Safety ID Card)

Providing Boating Safety education to the public for on the water activities is a major role of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. By educating boaters on waterway rules of the road, boat handling, maintaining safety equipment, how to avoid collisions, and skills in seamanship; boating accidents and injuries can be reduced.

The Auxiliary offers courses in many areas from paddle craft, PWC, sailing, motor boats, navigation and seamanship to cover a wide variety of boaters interests and skill levels. It doesn't matter if you are a new boater or an old salty we have a class that will interest you. 

If you were born in 1988 or more recently, and will operate with 10HP or more, you must earn the Florida Boating Safety ID card to operate on Florida waters, which you can do with one of our Boat America classes.  At this link, enter your Zip Code to view local classes:

Eighth Coastal Region PE Class Search Page

Banner image, US flag and river 

Vessel Safety Checks

The Vessel Safety Check is a complimentary check of your boat, conducted by qualified members of the Auxiliary, confirming that it meets both federal and state requirements for safety.

No citations are issued and the results of the safety check are not reported to any enforcement agency, but a decal is awarded to display if the vessel has passed the examination.

An example of some of the items checked include:

  • Life Jackets
  • Registration and numbering
  • Navigation lights
  • Ventilation
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Distress signals (flares, horn, etc.)
  • Battery cover and connections

All of these items are currently required by US Federal and Florida State laws and, if missing or non-operating, can result in a citation by a Law Enforcement agency.

Want to request a safety check of your vessel?  Free Vessel Safety Check