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Division 1 What's New!




All Shipmates/Members are encouraged to engage in learning new specialties and earning qualifications to be an active part of Division 81-1 Florida Panhandle Area and Team Coast Guard. 

There are so many ways we act as force multipliers and proudly wear the uniform in service to our communities and our Nation.  Some publically seen, such as our RBS missions, and often unseen, integral to Team Coast Guard.

Do you want to make a difference?  Talk with your FSO-MT, FC and VFC.  Your SO-MT, DCDR and VCDR can also offer you guidance in concert with your Flotilla. 

Restarting in 2023, every Division 81-1 Meeting has training to help the Flotillas with your involvement.  We are all volunteers, the "USCG's trained volunteer reserves", so if you are committed, you will succeed.

Sea, air and land.   We are Semper Paratus!