Marine Environmental Protection Redtide
Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Current Redtide Status
Redtide Community Scientists
The FWC's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) established a community science program in 2000 to assist the researchers who study Karenia brevis, the organism that causes Florida’s red tide. Currently known as Community Scientists Monitoring for Red Tide (CSMRT), their “community scientists” expand the spatial coverage of FWRI's harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring program by collecting water samples from routine collection points and sites reported for suspected blooms. Click Here for information on their Community Scientist program.
Red tide sampling is just one activity that Florida Coast Guard Auxiliaries are involved in. Marine environmental protection is one of the auxiliary's important missions. Our flotilla's missions include red tide sampling, beach clean-ups, marine Pollution Responder, Good Mate program, and more. If you want to get involved, Join Our Team!
You can signup to be a Red Tide sampler at