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NOAA Terminates the Chart Updating Website

As of April 19, 2016 the USCG Auxiliary Chart Updating Reporting Webpage (CUWeb) has been shut down permanently. NOAA's letter to the Auxiliary explains that because of increasing levels of federal IT security both the Auxiliary and US Power Squadron websites have been identified as security risks that could allow hackers to gain access to Government internal network. Because of this NOAA will not be bringing the sites back online.

Your reports are still important to NOAA and CU training is still a vital link in promoting safety. The Auxiliary and the new NOAA program administrator will begin collaboration that should resolve the issue of giving credit to the Auxiliary for future CU activities.

The shutting down of CUWeb does not spell the end to the Auxiliary Chart Updating (CU) program. CU still plays a vital role in promoting safety on the water. We can still teach CU techniques and stress quality. The same information that was being provided through CU Web can still be sent to NOAA, however without the aid of the structured CU Web report format web page. Chart corrections and discrepancies can be submitted to NOAA through the Inquiry and Discrepancy Report System (IDRS)

Chart Updating Guidelines

With the NOAA Chart Updating Website (CUWeb) down, the chart updating instructions on the District 1N site may be be used until revised instructions are disseminated. There is no requirement to be a certified Aid Verifier to submit chart updates. See

The CU-03 form was the basis for all previous (prior to CUWeb) chart updates.  All of the documents generated by the D1N process can be directly uploaded to NOAA through the public portal

Marine Chart of Clearwater