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Flotilla 10-10 What's New!

USCGA St Simons Island Flotilla 07-10-10 

"Guardians of the Golden Isles"

We are proud to be part of Team Coast Guard and serving the great people of the Golden Isles!
Bravo Zulu!


Still the "Largest Volunteer Marine Safety Force in the World"

  COW covers

USCGA Flotilla 10-10 celebrated the annual Change of Watch by swearing in our Flotilla Commander, Vice Commander and Flotilla Staff Officers.


 COW Commanders

FC LeRoux a d VFC Ainger oath by CAPT Branch of CG Air Station Savannah 




Flotilla Staff Officers 


D7 Commodore Hudson cutting our COW cake 


 FC LeRoux presents IPFC Ingram with AUX paddle