Operational Auxiliarist Program (AUXOP)

About the AUXOP Program
The AUXOP, or "Operational Auxiliarist" Program is an advanced training program available to members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary who wish to increase their practical relevance to Coast Guard missions, and better assist the Coast Guard to fulfill needed skill sets. Members who successfully complete their training are authorized to wear the prestigious AUXOP Device, shown here, and their membership level advances from Initially Qualified (IQ) or Basic Qualified (BQ) to Operational Auxiliarist (AX), or just "AUXOP".
The program has sometimes been called the "Ph.D of the Auxiliary", and members who attain AUXOP status should be justly proud of their accomplishment, increased utility to the Auxiliary and to the Coast Guard, and in their ability to serve as role models for their shipmates.
AUXOP Course List
AUXACN, the Auxiliary Advanced Coastal Navigation Specialty course, prepares a member to become a genuine asset to the Flotilla's operations activities. The AUXACN course covers coastal navigation and embraces two basic concepts - location and direction - and three basic disciplines - dead reckoning, piloting and electronic navigation.
AUXCOM, the Auxiliary Communications Specialty course, focuses on radio communications for the Auxiliary and Coast Guard, providing broad knowledge of the fundamental principles underlying communications systems in use by both the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary. You can achieve success as an AUXCOM Specialist by passing a closed book, proctored examination with a score of 75% or better.
AUXPAT, the Auxiliary Patrols Specialty course, is focused upon the complete spectrum of operational patrol activities both on the water and in the air. This includes Safety Patrols, Search and Rescue (SAR), Regatta spectator safety control (powerboat race, sailboat race, rowing race, etc.) and Chart Updating/Aids to Navigation Patrols.
Auxiliary Search Coordination and Execution (AUXSC&E) is the Auxiliary version of the Coast Guard’s Search Coordination & Execution (SC&E) course. The SAR School teaches SC&E to hundreds of Coast Guard coxswains and air commanders each year. The AUXSC&E course is nearly identical to the Gold Side SC&E course. Both SC&E and AUXSC&E have been developed by the National SAR School to cover actual search and rescue coordination and execution.
AUXSEA, the Auxiliary Seamanship Specialty course, is designed to present the Auxiliarist with a thorough knowledge of vessels and proficiency in their operation. An AUXSEA Specialist has extensive knowledge of how vessels are constructed and operated. The AUXSEA Specialist understands marine engines, how to perform minor repairs, is knowledgeable about vessel handling and knows how to approach distress situations.
AUXWEA, the Auxiliary Weather Specialty course, is designed to present the Auxiliarist with a thorough knowledge of weather, its importance in the marine environment and to the conduct of safe and effective operations. An AUXWEA Specialist is able to make accurate and valuable short range (several hours) weather forecasts to enable crew mates to avoid dangerous weather conditions while performing their patrol activities. Long range (two or more days) forecasts are also developed to assist in planning operational activities.
More information on AUXOP Training can be found on the Training Directorate Web Site.