Standard Procedures for Auxiliarists at Homestead Air Reserve Base
To: All members USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 070-06-01 and visitors
Subject: Standard Operating Procedures for our Flotilla while at Homestead Air Reserve Base/USCG MSST at Homestead/USCG Air Station Opa Locka/USCG Station/Sector Miami Beach/All other Military Bases
All other Venues while representing the USCG & the USCG Auxiliary
Military Courtesies & other items
1. While at Homestead Air Reserve Base/ USCG MSST at Homestead/USCG Air Station Opa Locka/USCG Station/Sector Miami Beach/ALL other Military Bases
a. NO WEAPONS of any kind are allowed on base even with a "concealed weapons permit"
b. NO CELL PHONE USE while driving on base (if you must use your cell phone pull over in a safe authorized space & then use it)
c. OBEY ALL Posted Speed Limits, regulatory & informatory signs while on base
d. Wear the correct uniform (Tropical Blue or ODU) whichever is called for. Wear the FULL UNIFORM, no partial. If you cannot wear the full uniform
(exception being crutches/casts/braces/medical problems) then wear appropriate civilian clothing. PLEASE NO TORN CLOTHING, FLIP FLOPS, Shorts etc
NO obscene or demeaning logos or words on hats, shirts, jackets etc...NO POLITICAL buttons, logos, etc on your uniform or on civilian clothing
e. While in uniform always wear your cover (hat) outdoors and remove immediately upon coming indoors.
f. GUEST: Prospective new members (KNOWN TO YOU & COMING IN THE VEHICLE WITH YOU) "MUST" have acceptable photo I.D. copied and
e-mailed to FSO-FN Michael Leslie @[email protected] or who ever might replace him, a MINIMUM of 1 week prior to the meeting at HARB/MSST.
You must include the CURRENT FULL address and telephone number of the guest with your request so that it can be added to the Security Entrance List.
They must arrive with that same I.D. with them at the time they are entering Homestead Air Reserve Base (IN THE VEHICLE WITH YOU)
While at MSST guest must stay in the meeting room and if head (bathroom) facilities are needed they need to be escorted to same. IMMEDIATE FAMILY such as mother, father,
wife, husband, dependent children are welcome to special award presentations, assisting in presentations they helped members with or similar circumstances...beyond that meetings are for members.
If you have very young children or babies which no one else can watch while you attend a meeting at HARB/MSST please check with the FC and/or VFC beforehand.
We encourage ALL members of the Flotilla to get their family members involved and to join if they have any interest and are at least 17 years old.
PLEASE REMEMBER FLOTILLA MEETINGS ARE FOR MEMBERS and guest need to be restricted to the above requirements (we acknowledge there are exceptions from time to time
THAT MUST BE CLEARED with the FC and/or VFC.
2. While at Venues off-base such as BS&S Classes, Vessel Safety Checks, Boat Shows, Air Shows, Community Events, Fairs & Festivals or anywhere you are representing the
USCG/USCG Auxiliary in uniform.
a. NO WEAPONS ON YOUR PERSON OR ON YOUR GUEST even if you or they have a concealed weapons permit
b. Obey ALL traffic regulations while going to and leaving the event as your portal to portal time still represents the USCG Auxiliary
c. Wear Complete, Clean, Proper Uniforms and if you can't, then wear appropriate civilian clothing. Again NO POLITICAL, obscene or demeaning buttons or logos
on clothing or uniforms
d. If you are bringing guest to an off base venue please remind them that this is an official USCG Auxiliary Event and proper demeanor is expected. Guest are
permitted at one (1) BS&S Class (not entire program) with the permission of the FC/VFC/FSO-PE
e. While in Uniform in public, political discussions should be avoided, nor may you attend political events in uniform unless directed by official written military orders.
3. Saluting: While we don't salute as one Auxiliarists to another it is proper to return a salute if saluted by a member of the Military or ROTC/JROTC in Uniform
a. It is proper to initiate a salute as a USCG Auxiliary member to an equal rank or higher officer of the United States Military (you should learn to recognize the symbols of rank)
Remember only officers are saluted. (exception being someone awarded the MEDAL of HONOR of ANY RANK)
b. If on a Military installation at 0800 hours and you hear the "CALL TO COLORS" by Bugle/Pipe or on loudspeakers it means the National Ensign (American Flag) is being raised. If you are in your
car you should stop, staying inside and do not proceed until it finishes. If outside in uniform face the flag if visible or where you think it might be and offer a hand salute.
The same applies at sunset at the Retreat of the Flag.
The following link is an excellent reference to this information:
*Prior Military Veterans & Retirees if covered (hat on) and in civilian clothing may offer a hand salute based on a 2011 decision.
This is only a partial list and it may be added to or modified. If you feel something is incorrect or should be modified please advise via e-mail to the FC/VFC/FSO-FN
FC Tony Miyar
VFC Mark Chiappone