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Join Lake Hartwell Flotilla 25

Wed, 04 Jan 23  

To Inquire about Joining with Lake Hartwell Flotilla 25 please contact:

Mr. Larry Cole, FC
Human Resources Officer
Cell: (706) 714 7049
Email: [email protected]

Make a Difference — You Might Save a Life!

Membership is open to U.S. citizens, at least 17 years old, who want to actively promote Recreational Boating Safety. We are a congressionally chartered national organization with numerous opportunities for public service, as well as personal and leadership development. Our connection to the United States Coast Guard provides other benefits to our members that we will be happy to explain. A background check is required.

Some of these are:

Lake Safety Patrols, Auxiliary members will actively participate with safety patrols on local waterways,
assist in Search and Rescue.

Marine Safety, The Coast Guard Auxiliary Marine Safety program is designed to facilitate and encourage Auxiliary support for Coast Guard Sectors in the legacy Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Programs.

Navigation Systems, The Navigation Systems department directly supports the U.S. Coast Guard in its responsibility for the establishment and maintenance of all Aids to Navigation on the waterways of the U.S., and NOAA, the NOS, and other Federal agencies in their responsibilities to provide navigation charts and other related information.

Certified Coast Guard Educator, The mission of the Education Directorate of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary is twofold: to provide exceptional boating safety education to the American public with the aim of reducing loss of life, personal injury and property damage to recreational boaters; and to deliver the highest possible quality training, resources and timely materials in support of our flotilla instructors and public education staff officers at every level who are furnishing such boating safety education.

Vessel Safety Checks, A Vessel Safety Check (VSC) is a courtesy examination of your boat to verify the presence and condition of certain Safety Equipment required by State and the Federal regulations.

Honor Guard, the 25-honor guard sets us apart from many other Flotillas allowing us to perform Formal Honor Guard ceremonies, Funerals, Parades, Change of Watch, as well as, Other uniformed ceremonies, and memorials.  This provides flotilla opportunities to work hand-in-hand with the US Coast Guard and their honor guard.

Auxiliary Communications are not bound into a rigidly structured operational system but rather consist of those radio-equipped vessels and aircraft, fixed land stations, land mobile stations and direction finder stations.

We have many more opportunities for motivated volunteers who want to make a positive impact on safe boating on our lakes.

We have staff officer and operational opportunities for people with various specialty skills, but we also train and mentor those who want to learn! All you need is a willingness to work and learn, plus some free time. Learn more about the Auxiliary, what you can do, and the benefits of being a member on our national web site.

Flotilla 25 Welcomes New Members who want to participate in water safety activities and support of those programs.