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Flotilla 25 A Short History

Mon, 13 Mar 23  
United States Coast Auxiliary’s Flotilla 25
A Short History

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is a storied organization of many brave men and woman steeped in history in the support of The United States of America. “In 1939, the Coast Guard reported that there were more than 300,000 boats operating in Federal waters. In the previous year it had received 14,000 calls for assistance and had responded to 8,600 “in peril” cases, a record number,” ( As more yachtsmen and motorboat crews were involved rescuing persons in trouble, or being in trouble themselves, there was a need for an organization to train persons in boater safety, seamanship, and navigation, and to be able to respond to situations that left boaters in peril. There was a need for Boater

Safety education for the masses! “On June 23, 1939, Congress passed legislation that established the Coast Guard Reserve, its volunteer civilian component, to promote boating safety…” ( On February 19, 1941, President Roosevelt signed a bill into law that created the US Coast Guard Auxiliary.

 America was on a course to join World War II, and the yachtsman and motorboat enthusiasts of Honolulu had formed three coast guard auxiliary flotillas, two on the Big Island of Hawaii, and one in Oahu. On the morning of December 7, 1941, after hearing about the attack on Peal Harbor, many local Coast Guard Auxiliarists headed to the horrific scene and spent the rest of the day supporting the base, as well as patrolling and protecting the harbor.

On December 18, 1941, German submarine U-125 secured station off the coast of New Jersey, and by mid-January U-123 and U-66 had secured station off the coast of Long Island and Cape Hatteras. By the end of January there were 10 German U-Boats patrolling the east coast of the United States. These U-Boats targets many civilian, troop, and supply ships, and sunk them off American shores. The US Coast Guard had very limited ships and crew to fend off these attacks and provide rescue.

The Coast Guard auxiliary was called for patrols and rescues. The Coast Guard Auxiliary Volunteers would pull sailors and civilians from the icy waters of the northern Atlantic, though oil fires and combat, in the face of eminent danger. The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary had become a force multiplier, and still is today.

 Today’s Coast Guard Auxiliarists train for many missions, with boater safety education and inspections at the top of the list. “Semper Paratus”, Always Ready, is the Coast Guard Auxiliary motto. We are over 26,000 members strong. We teach boater safety, how to operate personal water craft, and we have a course called Suddenly in Command to train passengers to handle the boat safely in the event of an incapacitated captain. We offer courses in navigation and deliver children’s programs. All of this training is delivered for the purpose of keeping the pubic safe.

We offer free Vessel Safety Inspections. Our flotilla has a color guard that serves the region.