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Best Practices


A Best Practice is not only a practice that is good, but a practice that has been proven to work well and produce good results, and is therefore recommended as a model. It is a successful experience, which has been tested and validated in the broad sense, and deserves to be shared so that a greater number of Auxiliarists can adopt it. Best Practices are a set of guidelines, ethics or ideas that represent the most efficient or prudent course of action.

• Effective and successful:
A “Best Practice” has proven its strategic relevance as a most effective way in achieving a specific objective; it has been successfully adopted and has had a positive impact on operations, individuals and/or communities. It has been measured in some way emphasizing the difference and results between before and after using the Best Practice.

• Environmentally, economically and socially sustainable:
A “Best Practice” meets current needs, in particular, the essential needs of the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary, without compromising the ability to address future needs.

• Technically feasible:
Technical feasibility is the basis of a “Best Practice”. It is easy to learn and to implement.

• Inherently participatory:
Participatory approaches are essential as they support a joint sense of ownership of decisions and actions.

• Replicable and adaptable:
A “Best Practice” should have the potential for replication and should therefore be adaptable to similar objectives in varying situations. Each flotilla and or division has different resources and culture, and therefore a Best Practice can be amended to fit their circumstances in order to posture themselves for the best results.

• Reducing disaster/crisis risks:
A “Best Practice” contributes to disaster/crisis risks reduction.

Procedure  Attach your Best Practice document to an email. The email should include the following information.

Title: What is the name that most concisely describes the Best Practice
Contact Information: Provide the name(s), emails and phone numbers of those who can be contacted for questions about the Best Practice
Date: When (month and year) was the Best Practice instituted
Unit number: Flotilla and Division
Author and/or FSO-PA: Provide the name, email and phone number of the person who wrote the Best Practice document and who is responsible for editing
Objective: What is the aim/objective of the Best Practice
URL/Related sites: Test all URL’s within the document for accuracy

Approval Process

1. First Level Review: Submit the Best Practice to your Flotilla Commander. Upon review the FC forwards to the Division Commander. If it is a Division level Best Practice summit directly to your Division Commander.
2. Second Level Review: Upon review, your Division Commander sends the Best Practice to the DCAPT.  The DCAPT will submit any questions, corrections, suggestions within a one week time frame.
3. Final Level: When all suggestions have been incorporated or declined, the DCAPT sends the final document(s) to the DDC, DCOS and DCO. Upon approval it will be uploaded to the District 7 Website.

Click Here to Download the Best Practices Job Aid

Recognition and Rewards for Sharing Your Best Practice

The District Commodore wants to recognize our members for thinking out of the box about how to expand, improve, create and innovate. Your name and unit will be listed for all to see on the Best Practice pages. There will also be a Certificate of Excellence issued to the originators of each Best Practice at  DTRAIN. Recognition period runs each year from September 1st thru August 31st.
