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Diversity in the Auxiliary


Alexander Urciuoil: Ops Normal

By Tracy Schultz, BC-DPA

Alexander Urciuoil, a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla in Monterey, CA, is not one to take things for granted.  Alex was born with cerebral palsy and has had to walk with the aid of crutches his entire life.  Urciuoli especially likes the safety and prevention aspects of the Coast Guard. "Whether it is Boating safety classes for the public, beach cleanups or answering distress calls, the first mission is saving lives.  I never get tired of being a part of that and serving my country at the same time", says Urciuoli.  Auxiliarist Alexander Urciuoli is a fine example of the diversity to be found in the Coast Guard Auxiliary and is a qualified candidate to be a Diversity Champion.  His own words describe the opportunities that exist in the Coast Guard and Auxiliary.  "If you want to serve, you can serve.  Find out what you can do, and do it. Don't allow your disability to identify you."

Alexander Urciuoli
Caption: Alexander Urciuoli augmenting in the
communications center at U.S. Coast Guard
Station Monterey
Source: "Partners in Auxiliary Diversity" (2015/01)


Review the Coast Guard Auxiliary's Diversity and Inclusion Policy