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Women on the Water Classes, by Flotilla Commander, Sue Hamann

Women on the Water

Women on the Water Classes

Cost:  $25 per person.  No fee for USCG or USCG Auxiliary 054-20-02 members

To make a confirmed reservation, please pay in advance with a check made to the order of, USCG Aux 054-20-02 and mail to:
Phil Amanna
1532 Heritage Club Avenue
Wake Forest, NC  27587

PayPal is also accepted.  Please send to  Include your name, and how many will be attending.
Or, you may pay upon arrival to class with a check or cash.

Questions:  Please email Sue Hamann, Flotilla Commander

Phil Amanna
1532 Heritage Club Avenue
Wake Forest, NC  27587

PayPal is also accepted.  Please send to  Include your name, and how many will be attending.
Or, you may pay upon arrival to class with a check or cash.

Questions:  Please email Sue Hamann, Flotilla Commander
(NOTE:  These classes are not limited to women!)
Lead Instructor, Sue Hamann, Flotilla Commander, with guest speakers
Saturday, March 16 - Topic:  Basics and Safety
Saturday, April 6 - Topic:  Navigation
Saturday, May 4 - Topic:  Knots and Docking

Open To The Public (female or male)

Times:  9:00am-1:00pm
Location:  Carteret Community College, Culinary Building, in Morehead City
Cost:  $25 per person.  No fee for USCG or USCG Auxiliary 054-20-02 members