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Our Commanders and History (Scroll Down)

2025 Flotilla Commanders 


Jaime Reyes-Gonzalez, FC (R) and Robert Simpson, VFC (L)




 Commanders 2024


Sue Hamann (R) FC and Jaime Reyes-Gonzalez (L) VFC






Sue Hamann, FC with Jaime Reyes-Gonzalez, VFC


Sue Hamann (R) FC and Jaime Reyes-Gonzalez (L) VFC




  Jeff Perkins FC, Sue Hamanns, VFC for 2022


from L to R:  Jeff Perkins, FC and Sue Hamann, VFC





Jeff Perkins FC, Jose Prandoni, VFC for 2021

from L to R:  Jose Prandoni, VFC and Jeff Perkins, FC 





Mark Sonder FC with Jeff Perkins VFC



from L to R:  Jeff Perkins, VFC and Mark Sonder FC (photo by Ken Weissman)





District Commanders with Flotilla Commanders 2019


from L to R David Fort, VCDR; Vern Scott, VFC; Mark Sonder, FC; Fil Pagano, DCDR (photo by Barbara Pohlman, IPDCDR)





Phil Amanna, FC     
from L to R Carter Seigh, BMC and Officer in Charge Station Fort Macon; Phil Amanna, FC; Mark Sonder, VFC, Brian Chrest, Chief Petty Officer  --photo by Dave Tolley

2018 COWPhil Amanna, FC 2018











the late Heinz Rister, FC
the late Heinz Rister, FC with Phil Amanna, VFC

      Heinz Rister with Phil AmannaHeinz Rister, FC







Vern Scott, FC (R) with Dave Tolley, VFC (L)

Vern Scott with Dave Tolley 








1964        Commencement of our Flotilla

Mark Sonder, FC gave an Assignment to Duty to the late former Flotilla Commander Heinz Rister* to research and report on our past Commanders. Below you will find his data which reflects the history tracking of past FC and VFC positions held in 20-02. Commander Rister took the liberty of expanding this list to include those that served the DCDR and VCDR positions at the same time frame. This afforded him the opportunity to highlight those 20-02 members which also served at the Division level.  He denotes them in bold.
Heinz Rister wishes to thank Larry Sullivan, Larry Horton, Ben Crabtree, for reviewing, filling in a few blanks and correcting some.  Don Lindberg for letting him know about the Joyner Library at ECU.  Also, Mrs. Mary Hastings for getting the research data ready for him to review once he was registered at the Special Collections Department.
Folks who can provide additional input prior to 1998 can mail Heinz Rister that data.  Our yet to be named Historian should have the responsibility to send pertinent data to the Special Collections Department of Joyner Library for future names/positions
This concludes my assignment to duty on this matter.  --Heinz Rister
* Please note that Commander Rister passed away 22FEB2023.



1989 Bobby Swindell Fred Libby

1990 Fred Libby Tom Armstrong Bob Byrne
Ray Arnold
1991 Fred Libby Tom Armstrong Ray Arnold Donald Shanor
1992 Tom Armstrong M. J. Penne Ray Arnold Donald Shanor
1993 Tom Armstrong M. J. Penne Karen Dodd Thomas Hughes
1994 Marilyn J. Penne John Harkin Karen Dodd Thomas Hughes
1995 Marilyn J. Penne John Harkin Jack Coll
Ray Arnold

Jack Coll
George Gwinn
1997 John Penne Ray Arnold George Gwinn Bill Speed
1998 John Penne Ray Arnold Bill Speed
Larry Sullivan
1999 Ray Arnold Dan Osborne Larry Sullivan Jim Womer
2000 Ray Arnold Dan Osborne Larry Sullivan Jim Womer
2001 Tom White Larry Sullivan Jim Womer Earl Wood
2002 Tom White Larry Sullivan Jim Womer Earl Wood
2003 Larry Sullivan William Covington Earl Wood Ellen Womer
2004 Larry Sullivan William Covington Earl Wood Ellen Womer
2005 William Covington Dick Hallberg Ellen Womer Emelie Plourde
2006 William Covington Dick Hallberg Ellen Womer Emelie Plourde
2007 Dick Halberg Ed Jacunski Heinz Rister James Powell
2008 Ed Jacunski Gary Wruck James Powell Vern Scott
2009 Ed Jacunski Gary Wruck Vern Scott Frank Eagan
2010 Gary Wruck Peter Bokkean Vern Scott Larry Horton
2011 Gary Wruck Peter Bokkean Larry Horton Steve Creech
2011 Peter Bokkean Vern Scott (Vern finished out the year as VCDR)
2012 Vern Scott David Fort Larry Horton Ben Crabtree
2013 Barbara Pohlman David Fort Ben Crabtree John Farmer
2014 Barbara Pohlman Heinz Rister Ben Crabtree John Farmer/Horton
2015 the lateHeinz Rister Tom White Vern Scott David Tolley
2016 Wayne Mulligan David Fort Vern Scott David Tolley
2017 Wayne Mulligan David Fort the late Heinz Rister Phil Amanna
2018 Barbara Pohlman Filipo Pagano Phil Amanna Mark Sonder

Filipo Pagano

David Fort Mark Sonder

Vern Scott

2020 Filipo
Jeff Perkins


Filipo Pagano

Glenn Baxter    Jeff Perkins    

Jose Prandoni

2022      Glenn Baxter   Bill Gerdsen          Jeff Perkins     Sue Hamann

 2023         Glenn Baxter          Bill Gerdsen              Sue Hamann         Jaime Reyes
                 Jeff Perkins           Bill Gerdsen              Sue Hamann         Jaime Reyes

2024         Jeff Perkins            Bill Gerdsen               Sue Hamann         Jaime Reyes

2025         KJ Kavanaugh       Bill Gerdsen               Jaime Reyes         Robert Simpson

History of USCG AUX Flotilla 20-02  Morehead City, NC 

Flotilla 20-02 first received its charter in 1964 and is located in Morehead City, Carteret County, NC. Its location is ideally suited to fulfill its primary mission of support of the US Coast Guard, in promoting recreational boating safety.

Its area of responsibility covers a 45-mile long stretch of the Southern Outer Banks called the Crystal Coast, running from West to East, with a split leg in the middle, at Cape Lookout that continues to the Northeast. On the northern boundary, it includes portions of both Bogue and Core Sounds, the towns of Morehead City and Beaufort, and the Intracoastal Waterway, with the Atlantic Ocean and Atlantic Beach on the southern edge.

Over the past twenty years the area has seen a dramatic increase in both tourism and as a destination for retirees.  For a community that has its roots in commercial fishing, the population change has also seen a corresponding growth in the marine industry including boat builders, maintenance facilities, marinas, and marine related business. This growth together with a growing population of recreational vessels, has made this area a gold-mine for promoting boating safety through public education classes, vessel exams, marine dealer visits, surface and air patrols and presence at festivals, boat shows and other events. The flotilla has received division and district recognition for its activity in Marine Dealer Visits for the past ten years.

Operations.  Because of the close affiliation promoted by Coast Guard Station Fort Macon, the flotilla has enjoyed a convenient training partner for two boat towing drills, search and rescue operations, as well as Helo medical evacuation exercises. Auxiliary vessels participate as the “distressed” vessel providing real-life opportunities for Station crews to perfect their towing skills.

Following the attacks on the World Trade Center of September 11, 2001, the Coast Guard turned to the Auxiliary for increased participation in safety and security patrols.  Auxiliary facilities and crews assisted the Coast Guard with security patrols especially when military vessels were at the Port.  In addition, members of Flotilla 20-02 together with auxiliarists from surrounding flotillas underwent training to qualify as Watchstanders for Station Ft. Macon. During the heightened alert period auxiliary members provided round the clock support to free station members to attend to security and SAR missions.  In addition, Flotilla 20-02 facilities participated in the security training exercises conducted by Coast Guard assets.

The presence of volunteer Auxiliarists, working without pay, has proved to have a positive effect upon the morale of all Coast Guard personnel.

Air patrols continues to be a vital, if under-recognized, activity of the flotilla. Over the years the flotilla has had at least one aircraft that is frequently called to assist in transport and SAR operations. 

Public Education:  Over the past ten years the variety of public education courses has expanded as well as significant changes in presentation techniques used.  As attendance in BS&S classes diminished the flotilla had to change from the more comprehensive BS&S course to a more competitive one-day course. Fewer people, the flotilla learned, were willing to spend weeks to complete a class when shorter classes were an option.  As the flotilla made the shift to the shorter classes, improvements in the quality of presentations was enabled by the use of new technology such as power-point presentations.  Once the popularity of one-day classes became evident, the flotilla expanded its offerings with separate classes on knowledge of local waters, rules of the road, along with GPS for Mariners, and Suddenly In Command, designed for the first mate emergency event. Boating classes continue to be a major source for new members because of the close interaction with students.

Over the last several years, the flotilla has been invited to present safety classes, featuring life jackets, knot tying, and general boating rules to some of the local high school physical education and sailing classes. NOAA research personnel on Pivers Island, have taken the BS&S 12th edition course because of new requirements by the agency for all those in their boating operations

Public Affairs:  The water activities of the area lend themselves frequently to presenting the Flotilla and the Auxiliary to the general public.  Flotilla members staff booths, for the Local Seafood Festival, The North Carolina Maritime Museum’s Wooden Boat Show, In the Water Boat show, and many fishing expositions.

It has always been a problem to coordinate the many activities, among a limited number of members.  There always seems to be more to do, than what is physically possible.

The above researched and provided by the late Heinz Rister.  The History of Flotilla 20-02 was compiled, written and submitted by Bob Leibert.