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Boating Safety Information

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If you properly prepared for safe boating with good current information and have the proper equipment that you may need aboard, then you will have an enjoyable and safe trip.  Here is some helpful information for boaters: 

General Information: 

Before You Go Boating - Checklist

Float Plan Form

Marine Radios

Hurricane Preparedness Information

National Hurricane Center

Emergency Preparedness Checklist 

Coast Guard Mobile Phone App

Local & State Information:

NOAA Charts

U.S.Coast Pilot NOAA

N.C State Maps, Boat Registration, Fishing License Information and Publications

N.C. Department of Marine Fisheries

Local Buoy and Weather Data

Current National Weather Service Marine Weather

Current NOAA Weather Forecast

Local Tide Tables

Find a State Boating Access Site

Disaster and Emergency Preparedness for Flooding and Hurricanes 


Reporting a Boating Accident - For NC Accident Report for accidents within three miles of the NC Coast, call the NC Wildlife Dispatch Center, 800-662-7137.

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