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Division 16 Monthly Fun Fact

 The U.S. Coast Guard once trained pigeons to spot people lost at sea.




Locator beacon tips the scale for fishermen adrift


 This Fast Response Cutter (FRC) is named for William Chadwick, a keeper of the Green Island Lifeboat Station in New Jersey. He received the Congressional Gold Lifesaving Medal for the rescue of the crew of the schooner George Taulane in 1880.

The FRC is near and dear to my heart as I was a member of the team who developed the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the FRC while working at Buzzards Point Washington DC for the U.S. Coast Guard. - George Hartigan


Learn More! 


 Disney Cruise Line passenger rescued by US Coast Guard


USCG WWI Donald Duck

Learn more of the role Donald Duck in the USCG during WWII

 Donald Duck during WW II

 Life-Saving Service & Coast Guard Stations

 Learn about the most famous life-saving stations built in 1848 here in New Jersey

 Life Saving Services in NJ

 K9C Sinbad, USCG (Ret.)

Sinbad (our dog) who was honorably discharged from the US Coast Guard on 21 September 1948 is buried at the base of the Barnegat Light House in NJ?

Click on the image below to learn more of this amazing member of the US Coast Guard who was "assigned to damage control" on board the USCGC CAMPBELL (WMEC 900) during WWII.

  K9C Sinbad, USCG (Ret.)