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About Us

Semper Paratus

(Always Ready)

Established by Congress in 1939, the 28,000 members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary are Semper Paratus (Always Ready). Each year, Auxiliarists volunteer more than two million hours benefiting boaters and their families.

The local Auxiliary groups are known as “Flotillas,” and are made up of folks, like you, who are very proud of their contributions.

Auxilarists at a picnick meeting at Ellendale/Redden State Park north of Georgetown, Delaware

The Coast Guard Auxiliary conducts only non-law enforcement functions. However, there is a close communication with the active Coast Guard facilities so Auxiliarists can alert active “Coasties” when law-enforcement may be necessary. Auxiliarists also can alert the active Coast Guard to obstacles to navigation which may require the use of removal equipment and to report damaged or missing aids to navigation.

Would you like more information on these and other activities that you can do with the Coast Guard Auxiliary? Visit our national website.

We invite you to explore our site and learn more about who we are and what we do to be Semper Paratus (Always Ready).

For questions concerning this page, please contact our Web manager.
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