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Flotilla 82 Volunteer Guide

A Tradition of Service 

Available in the linked document below is a list of volunteer opportunities available in Flotilla 82. This list contains the better known roles we fill as Auxiliarists such as boating safety instructors, boat crew/coxswains, vessel examiners and food services and direct Coast Guard support, but it also contains several opportunities for roles such as Beach Clean-up team, Flower Boat Decorators and Change of Watch planning committee, just to name a few.  

This is a living document that is subject to change periodically and annually based on leadership changes and the flotilla's needs. In addition to the variety of volunteer roles available, it also provides the description and primary contact person's name.  Member contact info such as phone and email address can be found in AUXDATA or AUXDIRECTORY.

Please review and refer to guide often. Maybe even print a copy for yourself to keep handy.  Our Auxiliary leadership and the US Coast Guard appreciates everything you do to support our role in the maritime community. Thank you for being part of our tradition of service.

Click to download/view Flotilla 82 Volunteer Guide


 Updated Jan 24, 2025