Why We Joined Flotilla 4-11
From John :
In the fall of 2003 my wife and I were planning the final leg of our three year circumnavigation of North America, which entailed navigating our boat from New Kensington, PA, on the Allegheny River back to Philadelphia via Florida when we saw that Main Line School Night was offering a course on cruising the Atlanitc Intracoastal Waterway. It was this course, as taught by John Webster, that stimulated me to attend a Flotilla 4-11 meeting, which at that time was held at the Admore Fire House; and , to join the auxiliary.
From Donald :
After taking courses in both Navigation and Seamanship offered by the local Coast Guard Auxiliary, it became apparent to me that my knowledge was limited and that the best way to enhance my skills was to join the organization. Perhaps the best way to do that would be to assist in the teaching of those and other classes as well as taking advanced training by the Coast Guard itself. Being associated with the Auxiliary would allow me to not only volunteer for safety checks and patrols; but , also to enjoy the company of the other members who have similar interests .
From Barbara:
My father was in the Coast Guard and was also so proud to be part of such a wonderful military branch. I was amazed how although he was only in for 4 years, he talked of the comradery and friendship he made while serving. Throughout his life he had a lot of accomplishments, but this one was his proudest moments. I wanted to honor my father and give back to the Coast Guard because of what they gave to my father. I enjoy the behind the scenes part of the Auxiliary. I love working with social media, secretary aspects including taking notes for the meetings and working together as a team with my Flotilla. It is fellowship you cannot find in just any organization. We are Coast Guard Auxiliary Proud!!! Always happy to answer questions! [email protected]