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Grooming Standards

In keeping with the true spirit of an organization of volunteers, the possession and wear of the Auxiliary uniform by Auxiliarists must be a matter of personal pride. When in uniform, an Auxiliarist is a representative of DHS, the Coast Guard, the Auxiliary, and the U.S. Government. Appearance, uniform fit, and grooming shall reflect the pride of that representation. Often the public does not differentiate between uniformed Coast Guard active duty and Auxiliarists in uniform. Coast Guard active duty members are bound by strict military grooming and weight standards. Realizing that the Auxiliary is made up entirely of volunteers, the active duty grooming and appearance standards are relaxed as they apply to Auxiliarists. As a matter of pride, all Auxiliary members should set the goal to strive to attain the same standards as active duty members.

The Auxiliary does not have a weight standards program, but all members should set the goal to strive to meet the same standards as the active duty. Auxiliary members are encouraged to eat a balanced diet and maintain a medically recommended weight level that is conducive to a long and healthy life. Auxiliarists who wear the Auxiliary uniform shall ensure that it fits properly and presents a trim, military appearance.