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Compute Time Speed Distance

BCM-06-07-AUX - Compute Time, Speed, and Distance

Fri, 03 Jan 25   Posted by: Robert Kothe
Effective Navigation requires quick and accurate calculations since a boat is a moving target with many variables. The three basic elements of a course always involve Time (T), Speed (S) and Distance (D).

Mariners use a tool for calculation often called 60DSt or D-St (Pronounced 60 “D” Street} or (D-Street)

Here is a link to a lesson and calculator. It is an excel file, so you need Microsoft excel to run it.


Below Is duplicate content from the videos page that applies to this section: 


60 “D” Street

60 D street is how we instantly remember and formulate three formulas to calculate Distance, Speed and/or Time. If you have 2 of 3 variables you can compute the rest.

This video is good and correct but it does not reflect the way our manuals show it so I will include another video that mirrors the boat crew program after it.

60 D STREET: How to calculate time, speed and distance in marine navigation. (

This video is less polished but better reflects the boat crew program. The instructor does a better job at showing us how to extract the three formulas out of the 60 D Street pyramid.

Captain License Chart Navigation – Distance, Speed, and Time Overview (