Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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Potential Member Menu

Welcome to US Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 18-06, 18th Division, 1st District Southern Region, Moriches, New York. If you are interested in contributing to the mission of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, you are not only welcome; you are encouraged to join our Flotilla. This unit website is provided as a resource for Boaters, Members, potential members and other interested parties in the Central Long Island area. Please click on any of the headings along the left hand column in order to obtain information about that subject.


Meetings are on the second Thursday of the month and start at 7:30 P.M. at SFO Moriches. Potential new members are encouraged to attend and are always welcome. If you would like to attend please call any of the contact numbers found in the About Flotilla 18-06; menu in the left hand column. While is not necessary to call for you to attend, we want to make sure we are ready to provide the time and attention you require.

As a member of the Flotilla, you will receive basic and advanced training in all facets of Boating Safety and many other things too numerous to cover here. All that is asked is an interest on your part and for you to make some of your time available for participation in the Flotilla functions. 

Information for New and Potential New Members:

New Member Enrollment Application (This document when completed contains personal data. Please do not send electronically)

New Member Handbook

New Member Reference Guide

New Member Study Guide

New Member Exam

Member Involvement Plan

USCGAUX Glossary

USCGAUX Acronyms