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Vessel Safety Checks

15 minutes could save your life and the life of your family

GET A VESSEL SAFETY CHECK TODAY!The most cautious boaters can sometimes experience unexpected problems on the water. That's why the U.S. Coast Guard recommends that all recreational boaters, including personal watercraft and paddle sport users, take advantage of the free Vessel Safety Check program every year.

The Vessel Safety Check (VSC) is performed at your boat − whether in a slip, at the launch ramp, or in your driveway − by a certified Vessel Examiner, at a mutually − convenient time, and usually takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending upon the size of your boat

What's In it For Me?

Boats that pass the examination are awarded a distinctive VSC Decal that alerts the Coast Guard, Harbor Patrol, and other law-enforcement agencies that your boat was found to be in full compliance with all Federal and State boating laws. Frequently, such agencies will not detain or board boats displaying a current-year decal that are otherwise operating safely.

What if I Don't Pass ?

If your boat does not pass, no report is filed. Instead, you are provided a written report that aids you in correcting any discrepancies noted. Often, a quick trip to the local marine chandlery is all that is necessary to obtain missing safety items and easily pass a re-inspection.

Why Do This?

In a word − safety. You are left with the peace of mind that your boat meets minimum safety standards and that in an emergency, you will have the necessary equipment to save lives and summon help. Additionally, you will avoid substantial fines should you ever be boarded by law enforcement and found to be in violation. Finally, your insurance rates may be lowered − check with your agent.

Boating Safety Decal from the U.S. CGWhat Type of Items Are Checked?

  • Life Jackets
  • Registration and numbering
  • Navigation lights
  • Ventilation
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Distress signals (flares, horn, etc.)
  • Battery cover and connections
All of these items are currently required by state and federal laws and, if missing or non-operating, can result in a citation if your vessel is inspected by the Coast Guard.

Find an Examiner

Ready to get started with on your path to safer boating? Email us at [email protected] and a local USCG Auxiliary Vessel Examiner will contact you directly to set up a time and location for your Vessel Safety Check. You can also, visit your local marina or boat launch for up coming dates of ramp inspection days.

But don't delay! Schedule your free vessel safety check as early in the year as you can, and set an example as a safe recreational boater.
And remember, no vessel is too large or too small to be safe − and in compliance. Your family and friends depend on you for their safety!
If your recreational vessel is on Staten Island and you would like a FREE Vessel Safety Check from one of our qualified examiners, please reach out to us via this website, our Facebook, Instagram pages or by visiting our national website and requesting one.

We will have vessel examiners at the Moonbeam Marina August 15th 2021. Moonbeam Marina is located at 3270 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10306, (718) 351-8476.