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About Boating Safely

 This boating safety course is now MANDATORY for power boat operators born on or after May 1, 1996.

Our next ABS class is June 13, 2015!  

New boaters, parents and adults should take this course as well. This approved eight hour class will give you the knowledge you need to obtain a Safety Certification. Topics include boating law, boating safety equipment, navigation, safe boating tips. Many boat insurance companies will offer discounts to boaters who successfully complete the ABS course. Students will receive a Certificate of Completion.

The class is open to students ages 10 and over. Parents are urged to attend. Materials are included in the fee. Bring your own lunch to class. 

This beginner boating class will give you the knowledge needed to obtain a boat license or safety certification in many states. Many boat insurance companies will offer discounts on boating insurance to boaters who successfully complete About Boating Safely. 

Topics Include:

  • Introduction to Boating
  • Boating Law
  • Boat Safety Equipment
  • Safe Boating
  • Navigation
  • Boating Problems
  • Trailering, Storing and Protecting Your Boat.

For further information, please email us;
About Boating Safely-Flotilla71

To pre-register for the ABS class you can use any credit card with or without a PayPal account simply by clicking the Pay Now button below.

$60 Per person