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Purchase ODUs from CG Exchange

Read this excerpt from the Auxiliary Manual before placing an order.

To order uniforms from the Coast Guard Exchange (CGX) you must first set up an account.  Start by clicking here.

Some Auxiliary specific items are not available from the CGX and must be ordered from the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association (CGAuxA).  New customers can create an account here.


ODU Shirt:   Coast Guard Exchange

CG Aux Sew-On Collar Device (pack of 2 for ODU collar):    Coast Guard Auxiliary Association

ODU Name Tape:     Coast Guard Exchange

ODU "USCG Auxiliary" Tape:     Coast Guard Exchange


ODU Trousers:    Coast Guard Exchange

ODU Trouser Blousers (only required for high-top boots):     Coast Guard Exchange


(Pick one of two belt options)

Coast Guard Belt and Buckle:  Coast Guard Exchange

Rigger's Belt and Buckle:    Coast Guard Exchange 

(Pick one of three tee shirt options. Embroidered tee shirts are being phased out, but still acceptable as long as they are serviceable)

ODU Plain blue Tee Shirt, (pack of three)   Coast Guard Exchange

ODU Long Sleeve Cotton Tee Shirt:   Coast Guard Exchange

ODU Tee Shirt "USCG Auxiliary" embroidered:   Coast Guard Auxiliary Association


(Pick one of two hat options)

Coast Guard Auxiliary Standard Ball Cap:    Coast Guard Auxiliary Association

Member Metal Collar Insignia (only for ball cap):    Coast Guard Auxiliary Association

Coast Guard Auxiliary Boonie/Tilly Cap:    Coast Guard Auxiliary Association

Note:  Shoes from non-Coast Guard sources are generally acceptable if they meet the following criteria:

Shoes shall be well-blackened and shined, 6-inch, 8-inch, or 10-inch safety boots. Excess laces
shall be tucked away so they cannot be seen. Safety boots shall be prescribed and worn
whenever the nature of the work requires foot protection.

The boat shoe, (dark blue or brown leather, low cut of moccasin type construction with
functional rawhide lacing, brass eyelets, and non-marking sole) is an authorized option for
Auxiliarists when wearing the ODU or CGWU (regular or hot weather version).

All white or black or all dark/navy blue, low top, athletic shoes with nonskid/non-marking
soles are also authorized for Auxiliarists.

Boat Shoes, Male:    Coast Guard Exchange

Boat Shoes, Female:    Coast Guard Exchange

Boots, Male and Female  Coast Guard Exchange

The boots found at the above link are typical of what the Coast Guard wears. 

Additional boots that may meet uniform standards.  Coast Guard Exchange