Purchase the Auxiliary Work Uniform
The Alternative Working Uniform Pilot Program (AWUPP) is being conducted in the 1st Southern and 8th Coastal Regions of the USCG AUX from 1 OCT 2021, through 31 DEC 2022. The Program’s purpose is to introduce the new Alternative Working Uniform that any members may opt to wear instead of ODUs or the Coast Guard CGU being rolled out over the next two years to active duty. Even if the AWU is not adopted at the end of the pilot program, Auxiliarists will still be able to wear it as long as it is serviceable.
Auxiliary Work Uniform Basics (If you're in a hurry, just read this. Note: short pants are not authorized for our district)
Auxiliary Work Uniform Appearance and Pilot Program Standard Operating Procedure
If this uniform is adopted, the process will become much easier. But now, we have to order from three different sources.
Order the AWU Men's Pants (Select "Dark Navy" for color)
Order the AWU Women's Pants (Select "Dark Navy" for color)
To order uniforms from the Coast Guard Exchange (CGX) you must first set up an account. Start by clicking here.
Order the belt and buckle from the Coast Guard Exchange (Recently listed as "Out of Stock.")
This belt can be found at Rothco. This same item is also available on Amazon Prime without the $8.99 shipping fee.)
To order uniform items from the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association (AuxA) you must first set up an account. Start by clicking here.
Order Auxiliary Standard Ball Cap from the (AuxA)
The Auxiliary Standard Ball Cap also requires a "Member Collar Insignia" from the AuxA to be worn on the hat (not required on the Boonie/Tilly Cap).
Order Auxiliary Boonie/Tilly Cap from the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association