Radio for the Weather - (Copy and paste this into your browser)
Hello and welcome. For users on the internet and require hearing assistance or prefer to listen to the radio this is another option that will be available for now. An important note to keep in mind is that the current weather radio for NYC is unavailable on the internet and the alternative link provided is for Highlands New York. Thought the geography is different it can still work! Here's How;
Though the radio is for upstate New York, it can work in NYC by keeping in mind some general ideas. Such ideas include that the temperature in NYC will generally be warmer due to the lower mountainous terrain that is faced, in addition with taller buildings that tend to block some weather patterns. The temperature range would generally be anywhere between 5-15 F/ 0-5 C. Also NYC may be more prone to weather related concerns due to lack of terrain that would be protective. In addition the day generally starts at an earlier time and depending on the area of NYC weather can differ depending on exposure due to lack of taller structures, transportation, bridges and general infrastructure.
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