Commander Greeting
- Office of the Flotilla Commander
- First Northern Region
- Providence Flotilla 78
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is a civilian volunteer service whose purpose is to assist the United States Coast Guard. As Auxilirists, we assist the Coast Guard in all its missions except direct law enforcement and military operations. The three primary missions of the Auxiliary are Vessel Safety Checks, Public Education, and Surface/Air Operations.
Prior to a Vessel Safety Check, a recreational boat owner will contact, and invite, an Auxiliary vessel examiner onto his/her boat. During the Vessel Safety Check, the recreational boat owner will receive personalized one-on-one education while the Auxiliarist checks the condition and availability of suggested and required safety equipment. A Vessel Safety Check in NOT a law enforcement activity, but a public out reach and education activity and is available for kayaks, canoes, and paddleboards. If a boat is found to be missing key safety equipment (i.e. fire extinguishers) the Auxiliarist will advise the boat owner of the need. Once corrected, the boat owner may request another Vessel Safety Check. If a recreational boat is found to have all the key safety equipment, the boat owner will be able to display the Vessel Safety Check decal on their boat. The best part of a Vessel Safety Check is that it is FREE.
Flotilla 78 offers a Boating Skills and Seamanship (BS&S) course several times a year. The first class is typically held in February/March, the second class is held in March/April, a the third class is held in in the September/October time period and a fourth class may be held in the October/November/December time frame if public interest is available. In addition to the BS&S course test, the students will be given the opportunity to take the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management's State test in order to receive the States "Certificate of Boating Safety Education" card. Flotilla 78 has about ten qualified instructors. We are able to have different instructors teach different class/chapters each night. This helps keep the material, and class, more interesting. The number of instructors and assistant instructors also provides the students with plenty of one-on-one instruction.
As Auxilirists, we have the opportunity to train and become "qualified" to participate in operational missions such on radio communications, air operations, and surface operations. We are typically trained by, and with, fellow Auxiliarists in a stress free professional environment.
As Auxilirists, we help save lives, we increase our boating skill, we support the Coast Guard, and we enjoy fun and fellowship.
- If you are intereted in learning more about the Coast Guard Auxiliary, please contact Jan Koleszar.
- If you are interested in a Safe Boating class, please contact Norm Choquette.
- If you would like a free Vessel Safety Check, please contact Vicki Morin.
Norm Choquette
Flotilla Commander, 1NR 07-08
Prior to a Vessel Safety Check, a recreational boat owner will contact, and invite, an Auxiliary vessel examiner onto his/her boat. During the Vessel Safety Check, the recreational boat owner will receive personalized one-on-one education while the Auxiliarist checks the condition and availability of suggested and required safety equipment. A Vessel Safety Check in NOT a law enforcement activity, but a public out reach and education activity and is available for kayaks, canoes, and paddleboards. If a boat is found to be missing key safety equipment (i.e. fire extinguishers) the Auxiliarist will advise the boat owner of the need. Once corrected, the boat owner may request another Vessel Safety Check. If a recreational boat is found to have all the key safety equipment, the boat owner will be able to display the Vessel Safety Check decal on their boat. The best part of a Vessel Safety Check is that it is FREE.
Flotilla 78 offers a Boating Skills and Seamanship (BS&S) course several times a year. The first class is typically held in February/March, the second class is held in March/April, a the third class is held in in the September/October time period and a fourth class may be held in the October/November/December time frame if public interest is available. In addition to the BS&S course test, the students will be given the opportunity to take the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management's State test in order to receive the States "Certificate of Boating Safety Education" card. Flotilla 78 has about ten qualified instructors. We are able to have different instructors teach different class/chapters each night. This helps keep the material, and class, more interesting. The number of instructors and assistant instructors also provides the students with plenty of one-on-one instruction.
As Auxilirists, we have the opportunity to train and become "qualified" to participate in operational missions such on radio communications, air operations, and surface operations. We are typically trained by, and with, fellow Auxiliarists in a stress free professional environment.
As Auxilirists, we help save lives, we increase our boating skill, we support the Coast Guard, and we enjoy fun and fellowship.
- If you are intereted in learning more about the Coast Guard Auxiliary, please contact Jan Koleszar.
- If you are interested in a Safe Boating class, please contact Norm Choquette.
- If you would like a free Vessel Safety Check, please contact Vicki Morin.
Norm Choquette
Flotilla Commander, 1NR 07-08