JOIN Flotilla 06-18
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla – 6-18 Westport, MA
Who we are, what we do, how to join us:
assist the United States Coast Guard in carrying out its recreational boating safety mission. Some of us are retired, some work full-time jobs, but all give what we can of our time and talent to support the USCG. We wear uniforms for identification as members of the Coast Guard Team whenever we are performing those missions. We work alone, with fellow Auxiliarists, and with units of the regular Coast Guard.
The passage of the Coast Guard Act of 1996 authorized the Auxiliary to “assist the Commandant of the Coast Guard in any function, duty, role, mission or operation authorized by law”. This means that today the Coast Guard may use Auxiliary resources in any mission except combat and direct law-enforcement.
The missions vary somewhat around the nation but include public education courses; surface and air patrols for search and rescue, pollution control, logistics, training, regattas and special operations; communication watch-standing, small-boat crew, and administrative support at various Coast Guard stations; recreational vessel safety checks; lighthouse tours; aids to navigation verification; public affairs; and commercial fishing vessel inspections.
Joining involves a commitment to serve to the best of your ability, considering that health, family, and obligations come first. Most of us soon find what we like best. Some of us do it all. All of us enjoy serving as volunteers, free to leave at any time. The joining procedure involves some study, passing a 30-question, open-book test, and a federal security check. Then you would become a member of this Flotilla—the working unit of the auxiliary—which meets monthly to plan, make decisions, report progress, and socialize.
First, one of us will conduct an “Interview” to make sure you understand in detail what the auxiliary is all about. Then we will give you a study guide and some time to read about the Auxiliary. Next, we will administer a 30 question exam in a seminar format. Nobody fails. You should receive your Auxiliary employee ID number about 10 days after we submit the application package. The security check takes longer depending on demand, currently 4-6 mo. Until you have your security clearance there is much you can do, including direct operations. If you are a former member, all you have to do is re-up application and security check—no exam. Remember your old number?
When you have your security clearance you will be a basically qualified (BQ) member of the best maritime volunteer organization in the United States.
Division 6 (South Coast) Auxiliary Missions:
1. Fellowship.
Meet fellow boaters who are interested in learning more about local waters and having fun while serving the public and the U.S. Coast Guard in a worthy mission.
2. Public Education:
Instruct adults and youth in safe boating topics such as coastal navigation, boat handling, weather, safety equipment, sailing, GPS, marine radio/radar, seamanship, etc. Courses run throughout the year.
3. Member Training Instructor
Teach Auxiliary Specialty Courses: Weather, Search Coordination and Execution, Navigation, Patrols, Communications, and Seamanship. Instruct specific member qualification training topics as the need arises…boat crew, vessel examiner local weather, etc.
4. Vessel Examinations:
Conduct recreational Vessel Safety Checks (VSC) and inspect commercial fishing vessels (CFV).
5. Marine Dealer Visitation.
Information service to boaters and liaison with local marine dealers.
6. Aids to Navigation (AtoNs):
Confirm location and condition of private and municipal AtoNs, update marine charts.
7. Surface Operations:
Auxiliary Boat Crew and Coxswain qualification. Safety Patrols, Search and Rescue assistance, AtoN verification and chart update patrols, marine environmental patrols (Stellwagen). Homeland Security/Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) patrols. Special duty: SAIL Boston, Newport; USS Constitution turn-around, etc., as needed by USCG.
8. Air Operations:
Auxiliary Pilot, Air Crew and Air Observer qualifications, SAR missions, area familiarization, logistics (VIP transport, photography, ice, shoaling ) missions, pollution patrols. Since 9/11/01, we have been actively involved in various Homeland Security/MDA missions throughout Coast Guard District 1 from Maine to New York.
9. Coast Guard Support:
Station and Sector communications watch stander, Coast Guard boat crew augmentation, lighthouse watch stander-tour guide, Station maintenance, operations and administrative support, marine environmental administration, in-port cutter OD.
10. Elected and Appointed office:
Flotilla Commander, Division Commander, District Commodore; Staff Officers at Flotilla, Division, District and National levels, with appropriate leadership training.
For much more, see the official USCG Auxiliary Web Site: . Go to Member’s Deck or What’s New.
*Flotilla 6-18 meets the third Wednesday of the month at The American Legion - James Morris Post #145, 489 Sanford Road, Westport, MA 02790 @ 7 PM.
ALL interested citizens are always welcome.
Wanted: A few good people to help with our missions.
Contact: Wayne Hansen, Flotilla IS Officer at [email protected]
Are you looking for adventure while serving your country and your community?
If you are looking for some adventure in your life, consider joining the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Wherever your interest lie, and whatever life skills you have, chances are that the Coast Guard Auxiliary can offer you an area to serve that will enrich your life in ways you may not have imagined. The Auxiliary offers you a unique opportunity to make a difference in your local community and across the country.
What is the US Coast Guard Auxiliary?
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. Created by an Act of Congress in 1939. The Auxiliary directly supports the US Coast Guard in all missions except military actions.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens at least 17 years old and pass a basic background check. There are no upper age limits or height/weight standards although for operational activities you must be physically able to perform certain tasks. There are no minimum service hours - you can serve as little or as much as you want.
You do not need to own a boat, aircraft, or radio facility to join the Auxiliary.

What can I do in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary?
- Help Save Lives - Through boating Safety Instruction & Vessel Safety Checks
- Sharpen your leadership skills - Let us teach you how to be a great leader
- Fun & Fellowship - Enjoy the company of fellow Auxiliarists during meetings, missions and social events
- Increase your skills - Take advantage of outstanding training courses
- Support the Coast Guard - Become qualified to serve in Coast Guard units augmenting operations
In the Westport Massachusetts area? Contact us here !