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Flotilla Commander's Message

On behalf of the members of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's New Bedford Flotilla, welcome to our website!

Our Flotilla supports the recreational boating public through our Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) Outreach missions, which include: Public Education Courses, Courtesy Vessel Safety Checks, and RBS Program Visitations (marine retailers). We also conduct Public Affairs missions. We also have members who provide direct support to the Flotilla in important functions such as Finance, Human Resources, Information Services, Communication Services and Secretary of Records. All combine to play an important role in supporting the missions of the U.S. Coast Guard.

We are always looking for new members to join our Flotilla. No previous boating experience is required, nor boat ownership. We welcome all who are interested in volunteering in their community, promoting boating safety and assisting the Coast Guard in nearly all mission areas.

If you're interested in learning more about the New Bedford Flotilla contact our Flotilla Staff Officer for Human Resources. Their details are found below.

New Bedford Flotilla Elected Leadership  2023-2024


Flotilla Commander 

Steve Schaeffer



 Flotilla Vice Commander  

David Cabral


Human Resources (FSO-HR)

Alex Collier
Mobile: (617) 320-2705