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Sea Scouts Ambassador

Sea Scouts is a youth program within the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) that is supported by the Coast Guard pursuant to provisions of the Coast Guard External Affairs Manual, COMDTINST M5700.13.  Sea Scouts are authorized to use training and recreation facilities at Coast Guard facilities and to participate in Coast Guard cruises and air operations at the discretion of Commanding Officers or Officers-in-Charge, with approval of the District Commander, and in accordance with applicable Coast Guard policies.  b. The Coast Guard Auxiliary traditionally exercised limited partnership with youth organizations.  But it also shared with the Sea Scouts a strong mutual respect and appreciation for the benefits gained from leadership education and development programs among youth who possess maritime interests.  

All training for Auxiliarist is free.

To Apply or Request Additional Information, please contact our Flotilla Staff Officer below for more information:

Sea Scouts FSO-AS
Rona Trachtenberg
[email protected]  
Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Mark Stanley Collins
eMail: [email protected]
Mobile: (774) 320-0509