Division 3 What's New!
Mon, 02 Dec 24
Elections results are in!
Another election season has passed and while we have some members elected for second terms, we have one flotilla with brand new leadership. Please congratulate the following members, and thank them for stepping up to leadership positions. Without members like these folks, our division will not move forward and grow. I have great expectations for 2025, and hope the membership keeps the mission moving forward. Success depends on all of our participation, no matter how small your contribution. Congratulations to our 2025 flotilla bridge teams.
Elissa Pepin
DCDR Division 3
Flotilla 3-1
FC Jean Najm VFC John Dixon
Flotilla 3-7
FC Brian Lynch VFC Britt Hultgren
Flotilla 3-8
FC Steve Tudal VFC Will Schmidt
Wed, 25 Sep 24
From COMO Hume's Everbridge Announcement of Election Results for District 1 North
The First District Northern Region, District Elections were held today, September 21, at Base Boston. COMO Elect Glen A. Gayton was elected District Commodor, Dennis R. Bunnell was elected District Chief of Staff, Bobby R. Joslyn was elected District Captain, North (Sector Northern New England), Justin P. Wright was elected District Captain, Central (Sector Boston) and Peter M. DeBakker was elected District Caption, South (Sector Southeast New England)
The Election was attended by Deputy National Commodore Linda Merryman who represented the National Staff and was overseen by District Legal Officer Joseph A. Gordon. The election was run as a virtual election and was administrated by Mark Sedgwick.
While the new leaders will officially begin their terms of office on January first, they have all started working on the planning and transition process necessary to lead the district.
Please join me in congratulating the incoming First District Northern Region Bridge and in thanking them for their willingness to accept the responsibility of their new positions.
Commodore John W. Hume
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
First District Northern Region