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Winter Dress Blue

  This winter uniform may be worn for general office wear, visits to Coast Guard units, and appropriate assignment to duty. It is the basic cold climate, non-operational uniform and may be worn in lieu of the Service Dress Blue uniform except for occasions where the civilian equivalent is coat and tie. It is an option available only from November 1 through March 31.  Unlike the other dress shirts which are shared with the Air Force, the Winter Dress Blue shirt is for the Coast Guard only, which can make it difficult to find sometimes.

   Approved outwear when wearing Winter Dress Blue includes the Windbreaker, Trench Coat, Foul Weather Parka, Cardigan Sweater, or the Wooly-Pully Sweater.

Winter Dress Blue - Details

 Uniform Component

Additional Comments


Long sleeve dark blue shirt.


Service Dress Blue Trousers/Slacks.

Skirt Skirt is optional for women.
Blue four-in-hand tie for both men and women.

Small collar insignia is worn in lieu of shoulder boards.

Name Tag

White with blue lettering. Worn 1/4 inch over right pocket of shirt.


Worn 1/4 inch over left pocket of the shirt.

Qualification Devices

Device is worn 1/4 inch above ribbon bar on the left side of the shirt.  See AUXMAN for proper wear instructions.

Breast Device

The AUXOP Device is worn 1/4 inch over the name tag on the right side of the shirt.

Socks or Hosiery

Black socks are worn with oxfords; hosiery with pumps or flats.


Black oxfords are required for men. Optional high-gloss.  Women may wear Black oxfords, pumps or flats with the slacks.  Pumps are mandatory with the skirt.


Standard 1 1/4" black web belt with silver buckle. 1 1/4" nylon belt is optional.

Cover (Hat)

Combination cap or Garrison cap.